Council Bluffs Deer Permits


Life Member
Council Bluffs season goal: 200 deer

Besides the inconvenience to Council Bluffs residents, the high waters of the Missouri River have had another impact — the movement of wildlife into more populated areas, said Public Health Director Donn Dierks.

With that in mind, this year's bow-hunting season for deer is fast approaching. It starts Sept. 10 and runs through Jan. 29.

Permits will be issued to just 64 hunters, Dierks said. The goal this year, he said, is to harvest 200 deer.

In years past, a required bow proficiency test was held at the Narrows Park on North 25th Street. Since that park is under water, this year's testing will be done at the Council Bluffs Recycling Center on Gifford Road, just south of Veterans Memorial Highway.

Those who took at least one deer under the city's hunting program last season are exempt from the test this season. Those who didn't take a deer and those wanting to participate for the first time can undergo testing on Aug. 21 or Aug. 28, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. The test requires the participants to hit a "kill zone" on a rubberized deer five out of five tries.

All participants, including those exempt from the test, must apply for the hunting permits, Dierks said.

Bow hunting for antlerless deer will be allowed on residential properties of three or more acres, as well as on any agricultural-zoned property, Dierks said. Hunting also will be allowed in Sternhill Park, Fairmount Park and Fairview Cemetery, Dierks said, but limited to two hunters each.

The number of participants and the number of deer killed have increased since the program was started to reduce the ever-growing deer population.

In 2008, the first year, 32 hunters took 46 deer; in 2009, 58 hunters harvested 116 deer; and last year, 64 hunters took 138 deer, Dierks said.

This post is for informational purposes only.
Hoping to take a doe on opening day again. Ive locked up 94 acres, up from the 57 Ive had the last two years, inside city limits between 9 landowners. Still have yet to win one of the buck tags though. The city has ten of them this year, maybe its finally my turn!
Beautiful morning in the stand. 50 degrees, no wind. Ahh what a wonderful day! No deer yet, just skunks and skeeters.