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Couple of GOOD bills- not necessarily hunting related.

Good in some regards, but this bill, HF2317 passed the Seante with amendments and the Senate then dropped SF 2206 that would have funded the Trust (IWILL). No IWILL money means the legislature will be more likely to pass an increase in NR tags and NRLO tags. So, lets enjoy our tax cuts, but at what price?
This is what we elect people for! I personally don’t elect people to go to the state house to act as deer and wildlife biologists and managers!!!

Neither do I but the people we elect sure like to act like deer managers.

I heard one the other day, "It shouldn't be called 'The Capital', it should be called 'the building of unintended consequences'". Unfortunately, everything is hunting related.

Here is a link to the amended bill that passed: <Tax bill that passed>

The section on non-farmer (me) retirement income starts on page 15. I'll find out next year when my tax guy tells me how this affects me. Until then, if anybody has a deep understanding of all this jargon, please share.
CPA here - Some good stuff, some not good stuff in here.

I am totally in favor of making the Iowa tax return simpler. There are way too many add backs, deductions, and other adjustments I have to make after I get the federal return put together. It was a mess for a couple of years and they have slowly been cleaning it up. To pay for the tax cut, rumor has it the state will be taking more money from the counties. So while you will probably see your Iowa income tax decrease, I would guess you will see at least an equal increase in your property tax.

The retired farmer rental exclusion is a mixed bag for me. It looks like a farmer would have to make an irrevocable election on how they want to treat the rental income. If they elect non-taxable, they are not eligible for the Iowa capital gain exclusion or the beginning farm tax credit. This would basically eliminate the benefit of the beginning farmer tax credit and could hurt some young farmers access to ground as they lose their advantage.

The retired income exclusion is interesting. Right now, a married couple is given $12,000 exclusion every year on retirement income. Going forward, a couple would get total exclusion if you income is below $32,000 and no deduction if your income is over that amount.

Just my two cents, will be interesting how these changes play out.
To pay for the tax cut, rumor has it the state will be taking more money from the counties. So while you will probably see your Iowa income tax decrease, I would guess you will see at least an equal increase in your property tax.
My guess...fake news. One small baby step away from socialism is refreshing.
My guess...fake news. One small baby step away from socialism is refreshing.
Yeah, all that socialism of a well funded DNR maintaining state parks, paying for emergency responders, providing a public education, and maintaining quality roads sure sucks. Our ancestors sacrificed for it and we should just milk it until it's completely eroded away.

If they trim any more fat, there won't be any meat left on the steak to eat.

There has to be some ground between the above and the nonsense of cancelling student loan debt for everyone. But middle ground on anything is taboo right now.
Yeah, all that socialism of a well funded DNR maintaining state parks, paying for emergency responders, providing a public education, and maintaining quality roads sure sucks. Our ancestors sacrificed for it and we should just milk it until it's completely eroded away.

If they trim any more fat, there won't be any meat left on the steak to eat.

There has to be some ground between the above and the nonsense of cancelling student loan debt for everyone. But middle ground on anything is taboo right now.
With a $1.24 Billion surplus for 2021 I think they are collecting more than enough to maintain all those concerns. now if they would change the laws on how they distribute and allocate those funds thats a different chapter but there is no shortage of funds. As a tax payer i question why are we paying in so much each year if $1.24 Billion is not being used or allocated annually.
This bill will also keep people for skipping town to florida and other tax friendly states near retirement to keep from paying out the ass on taxes. If they stay in iowa they will spend money in iowa. My 2 cents.
You (Iowa) will not lose as many high earners to Florida, Texas, Az, SD… This is very smart. I’d be surprised if they went to zero on cash rent ? In many ways it’s great, but it would also be a big dollar amount the state I’d giving up ?
With a $1.24 Billion surplus for 2021 I think they are collecting more than enough to maintain all those concerns. now if they would change the laws on how they distribute and allocate those funds thats a different chapter but there is no shortage of funds. As a tax payer i question why are we paying in so much each year if $1.24 Billion is not being used or allocated annually.
This bill will also keep people for skipping town to florida and other tax friendly states near retirement to keep from paying out the ass on taxes. If they stay in iowa they will spend money in iowa. My 2 cents.
I work for the state, in my 12th year now. State salaries are flat. In contrast, private companies have nimbly raised compensation for employees in order to staff their organizations in the face of the national labor shortage and soaring inflation. IA public safety workers and teachers are bailing from their careers in droves. Over 50% of the remaining teachers nationwide are planning to exit their careers. Critical IA public sector job openings sit vacant because no one wants the jobs. Did the IA legislature or the governor’s office increase the budget of state agencies to address the crisis? They did, but at a TINY fraction of what is actually required just to stay afloat. Our state is willfully abandoning basic obligations in education and public safety.

My wife and I are licensed foster parents. Foster care payments are dead flat. Costs of raising children are WAY up over the last 2 years. Calls to take placements have skyrocketed, as evidenced through my missed calls log. Do you suppose the IA legislature or the governor’s office allocated increases to the DHS budget to ensure that our state’s children do not literally become homeless? I know a 12-year-old IA girl that is parentless and homeless. Is this OK, Iowa?

For perspective, I am right-leaning politically, and typically vote for the most libertarian candidate on a ticket. I am 100% for shrinking state government, reducing taxes, and retuning tax surplus when it is truly a surplus.

Our elected officials talk about all this overtaxing, and need to reduce taxes, etc. There is a half-truth there. Yes there is a large dollar amount surplus on paper. The trouble is that the size of state government got cut all on its own through inflation, while our tax receipts are up substantially (increase income tax on wage inflation + increase sales tax on goods and services inflation), and there is very little effort to consider WHO is taking the brunt of this cut and what it means for them in the coming years.
I’ve worked for the state 11 years now. Elk Fever said everything I wanted to say….probably more articulately then I would have. And he’s 100% correct. People are leaving my department constantly because the state fails to compete. Luckily for me, my wife is my sugar momma and brings home the bacon in our house.
I've got the perfect solution to 1. Protection of girls sports (biological females).

XX chromosomes are the pair of sex chromosomes that determines female sex. XY chromosomes are the pair of sex chromosomes that determines male sex.

Since satanic liberals are twisting the meaning of "Boy / Man" and "Girl / Woman", just remove these words from all labels, such as sports and restrooms. And replace them with "XX" and "XY". Then it would be scientifically driven and irrefutable, no matter how many medical procedures are performed or medications are taken.

Just my 2cnts.
Almost everything is cyclical, it’ll come back around for public sector employees. For several years, 10 or better, I’ve had countless conversations regarding the pay and benefits of the public sector versus the private sector. The general theme has been the public has had an edge on the private. There has been a push the last decade or better for more socialistic/liberal leanings. Interestingly enough the side that’s pushed that agenda is now calling to meet in the middle on issues. My question is where was that middle ground before now?
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