Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Covert II Trail cameras & extras for sale- SUPER GOOD DEAL!!

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I think I'll have 5. I'm keeping some but selling a batch for Grandpa- he had em to watch for folks stealing gas on his farm. Worked perfect BUT he doesn't know how to use trail cams period so just sat there in his office after taking them down - hardly used. I think I paid like $150/each for them, then maybe $8 for a Sandisk SD card? Then, loading with new lithiums, heck, that alone is like $20/per cam.....

I'd sell cams, with new lithiums, to your door & Sandisk SD card for say $85/each. I'll pry have $5 into shipping, then $28 into cards & batteries I'm throwing in (plus another $10 in tax really) - so I suppose you really are buying these cameras for like $40-some dollars if you really think about it. I'll give you any extra stuff I have too (back up straps if I have extras). This obviously is a frigin steal & good cameras. (only reason selling is getting instant emailed pics from their cellular cam so grandpa doesn't have to swap stuff out but also paying a ton more for them!!!).

I'd prefer to sell all or several to one person since the price is so low- we both know this is a very very good deal- make life easy on me :)

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