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Covert NV 3.0 trailcam

Team pewp

Work Sucks!
Does anyone have any experience with these cameras? I picked one up this winter at the deer classic because it was only $70. It seems to be decent but I question if the trigger goes off every time something walks in front of it. At night in particular, as the pics I have gotten are almost all day pics, which seems a bit odd to me. Not sure if night and day has anything to do with how the trigger functions?......... My brother in law has the Covert CA 3.0 and the jury is still out on that one too. Picture quality is great but again he has questioned whether the trigger goes off every time something walks by it. He had it placed near his tree stand last year while he was hunting and had a deer walk right past it and it didn't go off. When he checked the card there were several pics of deer but not the one that walked right by it. So it does work, but does it work every time? If there is an issue with the trigger working consistently, is there a solution? I prefer not to spend tons of $ on trail cams because of thieves and budget constraints but I also dont want to waste $ on a camera that doesn't take pictures when it is supposed to. I would rather spend more on a camera that actually goes off every time. Shoot, I would rather have a slow trigger than an inconsistent one. Any input and advice will be appreciated.
Nobody? They were selling a bunch of these at the deer classic and I read somewhere the CA 3.0 was the top selling camera in 2011. Surely someone on this site has one in action and can provide some feedback.
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I have a Covert CA3.0 and it has done a great job! My only dislike is that you have to have the little "iPod" attachment when you set it up or reconfigure it. Other than that it has worked very well! Hope this helps some.
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