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COVID deer

1. Always make sure you're solid with Christ, because nobody ever makes it out of this world alive.

2. Stay healthy, because co-morbidities are what caused a vast majority of the severe illnesses and deaths from C-19. (Just like any other bad cold/flu bug.)

3. Don't allow your government to mandate useless facemasks or unapproved vaccines.
Wait a minute... This article clear says "A survey of wild deer finds a lot of antibodies that target the virus.", and that can't be, because I've been told that a vaccine is required in order to provide quality antibodies. Has someone been running around and vaccinating the deer in Michigan?

Sorry, I've been fed up with stupid Covid propaganda since early 2020 and recognizing the looming subsequent round of mandated face masks, vaccinations, social distancing and closures, etc., has me really pissy.
It is probably better to be pissy than one of the 4.3 million in the world who have died from it. I bet if they had do overs they would take the shot.
It is probably better to be pissy than one of the 4.3 million in the world who have died from it. I bet if they had do overs they would take the shot.

If only the vaccinated couldn't catch Covid. Wait... If only 'the shot' held the manufactures liable for injury or death that it may cause. Wait... If only the vaccinated wouldn't be required to wear masks and social distance and get booster shots, etc. Wait... If only the vaccine had official approval and long term studies performed. Nah, I'll take my healthy lifestyle choices and natural immunity over this experimental manmade poison and useless face diapers anytime. Just like everybody else, I'm not getting out of this world alive no matter what I do or don't do. I take comfort that when I do go, I get to leave this fallen world and go spend eternity with Christ, so no do-overs for me when I get there, thanks.
Sounds like you are suicidal. Its people like you on why we have not eliminated the virus by now. The Donald and Gov Kim got their shots- they can't be bad. I personally know 6 people who have died from the virus. Four of them were not old or had other health problems. One was a healthy 60 year old who lived for deer hunting. On his death bed he begged everybody around to get the shot.
Sounds like you are suicidal. Its people like you on why we have not eliminated the virus by now. The Donald and Gov Kim got their shots- they can't be bad. I personally know 6 people who have died from the virus. Four of them were not old or had other health problems. One was a healthy 60 year old who lived for deer hunting. On his death bed he begged everybody around to get the shot.

Alright, I’m going to step in on this one. Taking classes in college on epidemiology and genetics has given me a lot to think about during this pandemic. The fact the government is pushing this shot so hard has to make you question it. The fact is the shot doesn’t make you immune to Covid and it doesn’t prevent you from spreading it. What it does do is inject you with an RNA sequence found in the virus that allows your body to recognize and produce the antibodies needed to fight the virus faster once you are exposed. Does this mean you aren’t risking other people? No, in fact people may argue that the vaccinated people are in fact the reason for the recent outbreaks as they believe they are immune and they can’t spread it. Which is 100% wrong.

The vaccine does nothing but help the person that gets it. It doesn’t help your neighbor, your grandma, or your wife. It helps the person that gets it. Yes your body is going to build the antibodies to fight the virus faster which will help you become less contagious faster, but the unvaccinated people being exposed to the virus are also building those antibodies when exposed.

Heck I rode in a cabbed UTV for a week 6+ hours a day when my coworker tested positive. Did we wear masks before we knew? Nope did I ever test positive? Nope. Yes, Covid 19 is a serious matter, but it’s been blown out of the water, I mean look at the flu, way deadlier and we aren’t required vaccines for it.

I’m not against the vaccine at all. My wife got it and I don’t think anything different of her. Am I worried that down the road there could potentially be complications due to the vaccine? Yes I am. I don’t think the government should be able to make medical decisions for the public. That’s more terrifying than contracting Covid if you ask me. I mean look what they are trying to do. Mandatory vaccines for students and federal workers. What’s next?

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Sounds like you are suicidal. Its people like you on why we have not eliminated the virus by now. The Donald and Gov Kim got their shots- they can't be bad. I personally know 6 people who have died from the virus. Four of them were not old or had other health problems. One was a healthy 60 year old who lived for deer hunting. On his death bed he begged everybody around to get the shot.

I’m sure you are aware that many people have died from the shot as well, as well as become disabled. 54 year old healthy female got the shot and died the next day here in MN.

It’s an individual choice!
Sounds like you are suicidal. Its people like you on why we have not eliminated the virus by now. The Donald and Gov Kim got their shots- they can't be bad. I personally know 6 people who have died from the virus. Four of them were not old or had other health problems. One was a healthy 60 year old who lived for deer hunting. On his death bed he begged everybody around to get the shot.

I'm not suicidal in the slightest. I love the physical life that God has graced me with. I just know it's not the end for me. Don't you?

This virus will never be eliminated by vaccination programs, for the same reasons colds and flus haven't been eliminated. It's not because of hold-outs either...

If you haven't had Covid and choose to get the emergency use authorized vaccine with no data on long-term effects, by all means, knock yourself out. That's your choice. I don't begrudge you one bit for it. Just don't force that poison on me. If you've had Covid, (like I and my family have), there's really no reason for vaccination.

We have/had 2 readily available cheap generic drugs that are phenomenal at treating Covid. Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. They've basically been outlawed.

Just keep eating what the MSM and governmental head figures are shoveling you. I've done and continue to do my research.
Come on Curtis- you said the flu is way deadlier than the covid? There was 22k died from the flu in the last flu season. There has been 613k die from the Covid in the last year and a half. I am really old- is this the new math? I think I will trust the CDC, the WHO and the WHOLE medical profession when it comes to Covid. You and Obsessed probably don't trust your doctors either though. I assume you guys paint up like Rambo when you hunt because masks would be silly.
Come on Curtis- you said the flu is way deadlier than the covid? There was 22k died from the flu in the last flu season. There has been 613k die from the Covid in the last year and a half. I am really old- is this the new math? I think I will trust the CDC, the WHO and the WHOLE medical profession when it comes to Covid. You and Obsessed probably don't trust your doctors either though. I assume you guys paint up like Rambo when you hunt because masks would be silly.

How many people died due to influenza but were labeled as a covid death? How many people died during the first flu outbreak? You can’t compare apples to apples here when immunity has been built up for influenza. Even your WHO reports influenza kills nearly 500k people a year during the average influenza season.

I trust my doctor, even he said a person my age who has been exposed to Covid has no need to get the vaccine because you are building the same immunity. I don’t use paint or masks. That’s what facial hair is for.

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Yes 500k WORLDWIDE- 22k in the USA. 613k Covid deaths in th USA. I know Rush used to say the same crap about the flu. He was paid 54 million a year to cater to his crowd and that is what they wanted to hear. My goal here is to maybe get at least one person on this site to get the shot and prevent them or someone they know serious sickness or death. I have seen what it does to people. My buddy who died was a strong Republican like me but was also an antivaxer and anti masker- I saw what it got him. His son was his hunting buddy and his son was destroyed and did not even hunt last year because it reminded him of his dad.
Anybody researched the animal trials with these RNA 'vaccines'? (And they really shouldn''t be referred to as vaccines, because they're not.) There's a good reason the scientists abandoned the program and recommended not to ever experiment with them on humans. They got promising initial results, but then when they reintroduced the virus to the vaccinated animals, absolute carnage. Cytocandrian storm. Feel free to do your own research...

Without longterm studies, you're just another voluntary guineapig. To each their own though.

I'm absolutely anti-mask. Condoms aren't made of baggy paper or cloth, because, well, that would be absolutely awful, and it would be completely ineffective. Same goes for them supposedly slowing the spread of a microscopic airborne virus. Worthless.

Better make sure you double bag your face and are the first in line for your booster shots Deerman54. Fear filled Fall of 2021 is upon us.
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