<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: IowaBow</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does anyone seriously believe that buck getting shot picture?
Come on guys.
The Archer aimed 4 foot off the ground figuring for the jump?
Or the deer made it 4 foot off the ground after the arrow impacted? And did this in such a short amount of time that the arrow only made 12 inches of penetration?
And if the deer is faster than superman and made it 4 feet off the ground in the time it took the arrow to penetrate 12 inches why is the blood splatter straight out and up instead of coming from below up to the wound...?
Not to mention fastest moving thing in the pictuer (arrow) isn't blurred or ghosted..
Coyote pic looks real to me but that shot pic is prett bogus looking... </div></div>
Iowabow, have you ever shot a deer? If you have, surely you would know that 90% of the time, the impact of the shot makes the deer jump. Looks to me like the arrow is burried in the opposite shoulder, then the deer jumped.
As far as being 4 foot off the ground, it is only about 18 inchs. There is another picture from the guy with a doe stand in the same spot as this buck, with both pictures side by side, you can see that the buck is not nearly as high as it appears.
Like I said before, looks like the deer was shot, arrow impacted (stopped by oposite shoulder), then the deer jumped, got his picture taken.
I love how nobody believes a good picture. I run around 14 camera's year round, so I see alot of different types of pictures, ghosting, deer looking like they are higher than they really are, and so on.