I haven't seen any coyote hunters running dogs in my area for some time, which is good. A previous encounter, the guy was throwing his dogs over the neighbor's fence, asked me if I owned the ground when I stopped on the road next to him. That right there told me he didn't know who owned the ground and probably didn't care. I heard the "dogs can't read signs" excuse as he claimed he didn't have control of where they run. I informed him that he truly did have control, as he could keep them in the kennel in the back of his truck, problem solved.

I wanted to pheasant hunt the creek bottom that day, didn't want his dogs to bust them all out.
Another time, I was sitting on deer stand and heard his dogs coming from way off, headed my way. I thought they might stir up deer which might help me but didn't happen. His dogs continued through my place, got onto the neighbor's river bottom where there are very few roads. I chuckled to myself, since he wasn't going to be able to follow them with his truck (they were radio collared). The area without roads was HUGE. I'm sure he found them somewhere, but he tore up and down the road in his truck looking for them for the next couple of hours.
Then, I've had a couple of neighbors who let their pet dogs run. One thankfully moved away (was renting a farmhouse). Still have one neighbor who has a beagle that I get occasional trail cams of as it chases rabbits.
All this makes me somewhat angry that I'm paying for a "private property" that isn't so private...... But I'm not going to alienate the neighbors though, still have to live next to them and might as well keep it on civil terms.