Coyote encounters


I was wondering how many of you turkey hunters have had coyotes come in to your setup. I have had several and even killed one. I had just shot a big tom and he was flipping and flopping arround when a coyote ran out of a draw and pounced on him. I was pretty suprised but managed to dispatch Mr. Coyote with 2oz of #6s.

Another time I had two birds come running up and attack my jake decoy. As they were taking turns ripping up the jake a coyote slipped out of the woods and almost up to them before making a lunge at one bird. That tom and the coyote took off over the hill and the other bird left the ground and flew over my head. Quail hunter instincts took over and I shot him out of the air and he dropped less than 10 feet from me. What a deal and it all happened in less than 60 seconds!

I read about using turkey calls to call coyotes but have never tried it on purpose.
I have never had them come in to my calling...but I have certainly seen alot of them sneeking around during turk season. A buddy and I were laying on a terrace trying to put some birds to sleep along a timberline one evening when we had one almost run over us. The light was dim enough and we were excited and we had convinced ourselves that it was a bobcat running towards us. We saw the long tail when it turned and ran. If I ever get one to come into my calls, I am going to feed him some HV #5's.....that should teach him to mess up my setup. Ha.
Two years ago during fourth season, I was set up along a ridge with a hen decoy out. Caught some movement from the corner of my eye and saw a coyote sneeking up the trail on my decoy. Got to within 10 feet of it and stopped, then turned tail and ran. I'd have blasted him but was working a gobbler at the time.
Later that same morning, I was set up two ridges over calling, no decoy, and had the same mangy coyote sneek in to check things out, but just out of shotgun range. If I ever get the chance again, I'll take the coyote and worry about the gobbler later.

BTW, went shed hunting yesterday with no luck but saw turks everywhere. And weather seemed like turkey-hunting weather .... better than some cold rainy days I've spent in late April!
I've had two different experiences with coyotes while turkey hunting. Both were earily in the morning. Both coyotes were on a fast sneak to my decoys and then turned tail when they smelled me.
Some of the new coyote callers that are coming out have a turkey in distress call. It sounds VERY good and I hope to try one out soon. Just FYI.
I dont do much turkey hunting(steelhead fishing time)but a couple friends have had them about jump into their laps while calling toms.
I bet that would be a great sound muddy.
I've had one come running in and take out me decoy. He did a cartwheel, got up and shook his head, then took off. Craziest thing I've ever seen.
wheres the camcorder when you need it?

would have been great to get on film.
Had one come trying to be sneeky, he came along the fence about 75yds. away,slowly got with in 25 yds of my plastic decoy, done a 180 degree turn mouth wide open and hitting my decoy in the rear and then he only lived another 10 yds before meeting some # 4s...
A friend of mand I had one sneaking in on our decoys until one of us moved using a box call. He took off pretty quickly when he saw us. Lucky thing for him too since the morning wasn't going that great for birds anyway. What about eagles? A friend of mine had an eagle take one of his decoys. It flew quite a ways with it before he dropped it too.