Active Member
Been following the thread and I think it's been said multiple times that having a dog run a coyote through someones property that started running a coyote a section or 2 or 8 over that it wouldn't be as big of a deal but it's when someone stops on a road right on someones property lines and lets the dogs out to run through property marked with No Trespassing signs ect. is where it becomes an issue. Or when someone drives within 65 yards from someones front door with rifle in hand waiting for their dog to come running through hopefully with a coyote in front of it. I don't own land but if I did, I would also be frustrated with someone purposely letting their dogs run through my property. But if the whole chase started over a couple sections or miles whatever the case may be, I understand that the dogs are just doing what they think is right. I think what people are trying to get across who is bothered by this loophole or situation whatever the case may be is to just be courteous of other people and to use your best judgement when it comes to some of these issues.