"Wow!" on the stories in this thread. While I have found a few dead deer through the years, most often fawns, that I suspect are coyote related, perhaps bobcat too, I really have never noticed a really strong population of them in my area. For which I am grateful. Some? Yes, of course. But I can only recall one time in 20+ years where they got to a deer that we let go over night. And that was a year where we were seeing more of them around than normal, FWIW. So the "math" checks out.
While a few of us do trap for them some and will take them out if given a shot...I am sure that 97% of why they are "under control" in our area is due to long established, effective hound groups that work our area. Not all of my neighbors share my opinion on the subject, but I am mostly OK with these dudes doing what they do, since the "tradeoff" sure seems to me to be far fewer canines out on the landscape in any given year.
Don't hate me

, but I think that some houndsmen, provided that they have
some respect of private property and boundaries can produce a net positive. People traversing the timbers, shots into the core of properties, trucks racing across open fields, etc, etc, NO, I am not down with that, not at all. But a cadre of rednecks with antennas on their trucks sitting up on the road and popping them close to the road as the dogs move them...yeah...I will take that scenario v. an overpopulation. Which I feel like we would have if these guys weren't on them with their dogs.