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Crazy Idea


PMA Member
So I have an idea and want some thoughts, opinions, different suggestions, etc.

I have an area on my farm that is a very big drainage. If I had to guess, its a good 250 yards long and roughly 150 yards wide at the widest part at one end and about 50 yards wide near the head of the drainage. From the bottom of the drainage to near the top of the ridge, its got to be 30-40 feet deep which is also near the widest part and very gradually gets shallower up towards the head. There are a few deer trails switchbacking along the drainage, but very few and I think its because of how steep the sides are. In many spots, you could sit down near the top of the ridge and slide on your butt to the bottom. Its quite steep. I feel because of the steepness of the area and its lack of really big mature trees that its kind of a wasted area that is not really being utilized for much. My thoughts are what if I made this area into a pond? I would have a dam put in on the wide end and let it fill up naturally. I mapped it out on OnX and it would be around a 3 acres pond. I feel the dam would create an unbelievable deer crossing spot while making a great fishing hole for me and my family/friends as well. Again, any thoughts, ideas, etc would be greatly appreciated. I am open for any and all. Thanks in advance
Before I was halfway through your post I was already to the conclusion you needed a pond. It may not help your deer a lot but it won't hurt it. A pond that size and depth will be awsome fishing!
Inquire with your local NRCS. They should be able to help you with a preliminary design/estimate, and how big it needs to be/can be in relation to the drainage area. If not, consult with a good contractor who has experience with building ponds.
I love the idea, can it be sealed though? Does it have a constant water flow to keep the pond replenished? Are there similar ponds in the area that successfully hold enough water to keep fish?
I know of several ponds built that don't stay full.
I totally get your predicament...I have about 3 or 4 places on my farm that resemble what you have described. Yes, the deer will cross those deep ditches some, but like you have noticed, the main, natural movement is "upslope", where it is easy walking. I have toyed for years with the idea of building one or more bridges across these ravines, but haven't done so...yet. :)

I have pushed some dirt around a couple of times to make not a full fledged dam, but more of a berm that lessens the steep slope by about half, or a third. The deer took right to them, but they eventually washed out since I didn't have a big enough culvert in the bottom and/or enough rip-rap on the "upstream" "face" so it washed out in heavy rains. Note - both of these areas were over "dry" creeks. But a big rain or two will really challenge something not built to take it.

This year I am determined to readdress this issue on my place, FWIW. You may not need/want a full sized pond at your place. While a pond is a great thing to have, a pond surrounded by timber has built in challenges right off the jump in terms of keeping your quality where you want it for fishing...and you may, or may not, have enough watershed above it to get it, or keep it, full. So, a much less expensive partial berm, or land bridge, may be better for you. Just be sure to build the berm to handle max run off.
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