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Crazy thing happened


Well today I thought I would try to set up a shed gett'n area. I talked to a farmer friend of mine and he is going to supply me with some corn(I have to pay for it)I hope to get some deer coming to the same place every day and just maybe I could find a shed the easy way.
O.K. now the crazy part. I went out today with a five gallon bucket of corn. I have a spot a few deer pass through so I think if I can get them to find the corn more and more will come. I got there after work today and see a deer laying on there about twenty yards from the trail I drive in on. He had his ears laid down, eyes open, and laying motionless. I thought maybe he was dead. I got out of my pickup slammed the door he didn't move. I grabbed the corn and headed over to the spot I wanted to pile the corn. I watched the deer the whole time thinking it was dead then I saw him blink. I could see he was breathing. He never moved. I knew something had to be wrong. I went and dumped out the corn and saved a handful to take over close to him. I stuck my hand right down by his nose. He finally turned his head stood up and ran off...on three legs. He must have been hit by a car today or else he thought he was hiding from me. He looked healthy thats why I think it happened today. Has anyone ever seen a deer running on three legs other than during shotgun season. He had shed his antlers and had new ones starting already. Just wondered if he could have been injured earlier and just living on three legs.
My swimteam coach told me at one point that she had a three legged doe living behind her house for several years. So they must be able to live like that.
That is a pretty cool experience. I had a three legged doe that I saw on numerous occasions while bowhunting. She seemed to get around just fine. However, it seems pretty early though for that buck to be growing his next set of antlers. Sweet experience though, once in a lifetime actually.
I think deer can get along fine with only 3 legs. I had a small buck in my timber all fall that has 4 legs but cant use one rear leg. He is still back there and kind of a "pet" now. Should be easy to recognize in the future and I want to see how he turns out.
I also had a doe behind the house for several weeks following gun season this year. She had an obviously broken front leg and couldnt walk on in it or use it to bust throught the ice crust. I threw a 5 gallon bucket of ear corn to her during the heavy ice and cold out of pity. She would let me get within about 20 yards before running away. I saw her the other day and she is still hobbling around fine and looks better.

Also, I saw a 3 legged doe several years ago, one rear leg completely gone from the thigh down and was completely healed. She had twins with her that I'm sure were born after the injury. Surprised me...these critters are tough.
I hunted a friends farm years ago and my only orders were to NOT shoot tripod. Seems they had a 3 legged doe that they had named, she had been running around for 2+ years at that point with 3 legs. From what I heard she lived to be 5-6 before they didn't see her again.
There's a tripod doe running around my hunting area again this year. I've seen her 3 times and each time when she walked it looked like she was gimped pretty bad, but when she kicked it into high gear she got along VERY well. It's amazing how much an animal can tolerate and heal up from sometimes. Many a 3 legged critter running around I'd bet.
Never seen a 3 legged deer. A friend has a 3 legged cat. Have heard of 3 legged dogs. Saw a dead 1 legged turkey. Couldn't tell it only had 1 leg before it was shot. Pretty cool - fall hen kill. Looked like a trap cut it off or something.
Logcabin has a 3 legged buck running around by his house. I finally got to see him the other night and he was running just as good as the other deer around him. The stump leg was moving right along with the other 3 legs.
I knew a guy that had a two legged coyote dog. Hung him self up twice to many times on a fence. He had both front legs and got around great. He lived a longtime. Never did catch anothr coyote.
The night before 1st shotgun season, just last year my dad and I seen a three legged doe standing in the middle of the road. It looked like she was hit by a car too, but it looked liked it had been like that for awhile. She acted like there was nothing even wrong with her.
It's just plain amazing how tough they are. This one ran off with his front leg flopping all over but it didn't seem to slow him down much. I just don't understand why he stayed there so long.
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