It isn't about me in the example, it's about the masses of guys like that across the state. Yes, I have land and impact neighbors but there's a ton of people who own anything from a 40 to a 1000 acre chunk that has the same types of impact.
Even if the guy didn't allow one other person to hunt his land, those deer are going to go to the neighbors and give them OPPORTUNITY that would not have been there if it was a "kill em all" landowner or put way too many guys on the land than it can support. Folks who do many forms of management will create an environment that will likely benefit, heck, 2, 3, 5 different neighbors, who knows. VS something like Public land where if you hunted ground near that, your OPPORTUNITY would be far less (Which, OPPORTUNITY for hunters seems to get brought up a lot with crossbow guys so I'll speak their language for some reasoning here).
Yes, I let locals hunt. I had one with me 2 nights ago. Had a different one hunt last night. Several through out the season. (and considering I have house there, I'm a local too

) Folks with character that are careful, care about the resource, care about management and want to help manage are welcome on my farm and I have invites to them every year (there's a couple folks probably reading this post that have hunted my land). But, I choose them CAREFULLY. If I let MASSES of folks go on my land, you know what would happen??? It would be damaged, damaged badly... The neighbors would have less bucks to shoot period, less mature deer, hunt more pressured deer, etc, etc. I have different farms and probably have 10, 15 different neighbors that are impacted by what I choose to do. If i plant plots, pass bucks, don't piss pound my ground with pressure, (don't have guys all over my place doing a lot of stupid things that unfortunately the masses often do), do timber work, etc - ya, a whole lot of guys are gonna benefit, many many neighbors and dozens of hunters. Multiply that around the whole state and the guys who care and manage land are giving to the neighborhood and resource. Creating more opportunity for all since deer don't just live on "Johny's 80". However the neighbors decide to hunt, whatever they shoot- they have more opportunities. *and yes, I know almost all my neighbors pretty well. A few are from out of state and hard to keep up with & some are just hard core cattle guys but I know most of them.
Like I said, there's a spectrum of types of management out there, Public land being on the other spectrum.... We have a choice, do we want to push the direction of ALL OF THE STATE (through regulations) toward that Public land type situation (in general, talking about more pressure, management, etc) or towards what has always made Iowa good for the most part... common sense regulations, a state which attracts folks who want to manage and create better habitat & hunting in their own neighborhood? Or even what happens now in everyday neighborhood.... Reasonable peace and quiet until Dec 5 when the shotguns are out. This alone has a big part of making Iowa, Iowa. Leave the regs alone!
Not throwing a monkey wrench in the middle of this DELICATE & UNIQUE system we have. That's our main threats, not PETA, not EHD, not a few neighbors that don't allow you on the land (which would get worse with crossbows), etc.
You mention problems with access..... We have a state with 5-7% timber. Access is tough in ANY STATE OUT THERE, even the crappy ones, it's hard anywhere, imagine how much harder it would be with added pressure & fewer opportunities for the masses. Add more pressure, more regs that bring more pressure, put crossbows out with all sorts of guys, etc - oh gosh, now that's the "done" end to it as you stated. Creating a better hunting environment & improved resource/management across the state is the real answer to your problems, not something like Crossbows.
We are on the right track to recovery in our state. My fear is once it "recovers" - there's going to be a group that will see that opportunity to pimp our resource out again, put some special interest regulation in place, etc, etc and we'll go backwards. Learn from the last 5 years. We need to fight like crazy to defend our regulations and resource.
*Yes, I pay taxes, a whole lot of them. I farm so obviously there's a lot of land right there. I pay beyond my fair share and the government does fine with what I send them. I personally think they waste most of my money but that's another topic