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Crossbows, what's the big deal?


Well-Known Member
I'm playing devils advocate here, but what's the big deal with legalizing crossbows? They're awkward, heavy, and a total pain in the ace to lug around. I really dont see them having an impact on deer hunting. So what if some guy gets into a blind and pops a deer at 75 yards with one? Sure he might wound one but not really different (IMO) than another guy forcing a 50 yard shot with his bow.

I know 3 or 4 guys that HAVE to use them and they all HATE having to use them and would rather go back to a bow.

I guess over the past few years I dont see them as the end of the hunting world, prove me wrong.
First off how the hell did Loneranger hack a moderators account? Is he Russian?
My biggest issue is them continuing to mess with the seasons because everyone deserves their participation trophy. Where is it gonna end. They dont need to be drawn and can be accurate well past 100 yards. Next thing ya know someone will think that since that's okay, an open sighted single-shot gun should be legal also. Then the snowball effect will end up with any weapon, anytime and a 2 deer limit. Not saying that it is exactly how it is going to go, but unless I can be guaranteed that it isnt gonna be played out that way then I will continue to stand against it.
Another personal gripe is that it doesn't take the skill that archery does. Get a set of shooting sticks or a rest and be able to squeeze a trigger and you're set. And the way they are advancing in technology they will be out performing the shotguns and muzzleloaders that used to be the most capable weapons Iowa allowed. All just my opinion
Well, not everyone is a good shot, even with practice. I know of people that gimp the hell out of deer every year that could sure benefit from the use of sticks and a crossbow.
I really dont see them having an impact on deer hunting.

I have to assume that is because you have not researched the available Data from other States that have allowed Crossguns in. Why isn't Northern Missouri just as good as Iowa is in relation to Trophy Bucks? Simple answer is different season structures/weapons. It certainly isn't because once you cross the Iowa line into Missouri the quality of hunting land decreases. No the difference is Missouri has a very different structure and sells tags over the counter. So when you say you don't see them having an impact on hunting you are far from the truth. Once you start changing the structure of the Iowa Season you most definitely will see a change over time. You say they are hard to carry and awkward but in states that allow them they soon take over as the weapon of choice so it must not be that bad.

1. Crossguns are a superior weapon introducing them into the rut will have a MAJOR impact when the deer are at their most vulnerable.
2. Gun hunter migration. Guys who never bow hunted will pick up Crossguns and use them. Now you will have increased hunter pressure on the deer as well as a superior weapon. More pressure on public land.
3. Crossguners have a higher success rate than Gun hunters do because they are hunting in the rut.
4. Increased shot range and use of scope. That guy you refer to that "pops one at 75 yards" never kills that deer with a bow but can with a crossgun.

Good luck.........consider the fact that some of your land value is driven by those big Iowa Bucks. Once that market disappears so might some of your retirement.:eek:
Well, not everyone is a good shot, even with practice. I know of people that gimp the hell out of deer every year that could sure benefit from the use of sticks and a crossbow.
I definitely agree with that but then if a crossbow doesnt fix their problem should we allow them 00 Buckshot cuz their aim sucks?
I have to assume that is because you have not researched the available Data from other States that have allowed Crossguns in. Why isn't Northern Missouri just as good as Iowa is in relation to Trophy Bucks? Simple answer is different season structures/weapons. It certainly isn't because once you cross the Iowa line into Missouri the quality of hunting land decreases. No the difference is Missouri has a very different structure and sells tags over the counter. So when you say you don't see them having an impact on hunting you are far from the truth. Once you start changing the structure of the Iowa Season you most definitely will see a change over time. You say they are hard to carry and awkward but in states that allow them they soon take over as the weapon of choice so it must not be that bad.

1. Crossguns are a superior weapon introducing them into the rut will have a MAJOR impact when the deer are at their most vulnerable.
2. Gun hunter migration. Guys who never bow hunted will pick up Crossguns and use them. Now you will have increased hunter pressure on the deer as well as a superior weapon. More pressure on public land.
3. Crossguners have a higher success rate than Gun hunters do because they are hunting in the rut.
4. Increased shot range and use of scope. That guy you refer to that "pops one at 75 yards" never kills that deer with a bow but can with a crossgun.

Good luck.........consider the fact that some of your land value is driven by those big Iowa Bucks. Once that market disappears so might some of your retirement.:eek:

Great post, excellent points!
You didn't and I know you're playing devils advocate, but that's the way I feel it will go if we start changing more seasons. Just start allowing more and more until every possible want is allowed.
I'll admit my personal interactions around crossbows is limited, only helping a buddy sight one in for his 82 year old grandpa. But when you can make arrows touch at 60 and put every shot in the heart of a target at 100, I see that more comparable to a firearm than a bow.
You didn't and I know you're playing devils advocate, but that's the way I feel it will go if we start changing more seasons. Just start allowing more and more until every possible want is allowed.
I'll admit my personal interactions around crossbows is limited, only helping a buddy sight one in for his 82 year old grandpa. But when you can make arrows touch at 60 and put every shot in the heart of a target at 100, I see that more comparable to a firearm than a bow.

True, but that is on a bench in a practice situation. Your average mallethead won't be doing that on a bench, let alone out of a treestand.

I wont vote for em, but I dont think they're going to be a game changer.
They have there purpose for people with disabilities, but I know someone that got a crossbow tag this year by having his chiropractor write an excuse of why he need a crossbow permit. This guy road hunted and shot out of the vehicle with his crossbow and took marginal shots and wounded or did not recover many deer.
The fact is he is lazy and I think we would see more like him if they are allowed during the archery season. If he pulls this crap again this season I will be turning him in.
I don’t know about legality issues but I fondled the new ravin at cabelas last week and was intrigued. Very small and compact. Had a scope on it with drop compensation out to 100 yards. If it wasn’t for the $2400 price tag I would buy one to play with. Might be minority here but I’d vote them legal for turkey hunting if it came to that.

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I'd rather spear hunt like Tim Wells of Relentless Pursuit than use a crossbow, maybe even am atlatl. Nothing like a challenge ;)
My dad had to get a lifetime crossbow permit probably 8 years ago. He tore his bicep and needs his shoulder replaced. He hated every second of hunting with his crossbow. The awkwardness of it, the weight, the loading and unloading of it. I finally convinced him to try a newer bow as they draw much easier than when he quite hunting and his shoulder has gotten better. He seems like he is going to enjoy hunting again.

However, he never shot it in the offseason. About a week before he was going hunting he would shoot it once, and sure enough it was dead nuts accurate. I don't think it would hurt anything if they were legalized for all, but I don't agree with them being legalized either.
Pretty hard on the archery industry in general. Companies are really starting to see the effects of what crossbows are doing to the market. You don't replace accessories as often with newest latest greatest sight, rests, stabilizers, etc. Companies are seeing the market more like a gun or muzzle loader. You buy one have it for years and years vs a lot of bows that are being replaced yearly or every couple years. You have 3 kids you buy 3 bows, one for each. Then replace those every few years as they grow out of them. Crossbows you buy one that fits all 3 kids, dad, mom, and then lend it to grandpa. Just a few examples. This is coming from a conversation I had a while back with someone actually in the industry, so not just my ramblings.lol
Few reasons, by far not the array...
6-7 weapons already & crossbows can used during late season as it is. Allowing them from oct 1 to jan 10 is an unmitigated disaster, here’s a few reasons why....
Claims from crossbow Lobby themselves “put 40% more hunters in the woods during archery!!” We are crowded as it is. Archery land is extremely competitive as it is. Access will get even worse with 40% more hunters.

Up to 100 yard shots with pretty smooth & quick accuracy (don’t need to shoot all season long) & lot more kills during archery season. Read Ad below close!!!

Don’t have to draw the weapon while deer close by. This lack of movement is HUGE & very much the advantage a gun gives. Pulling bow back with human force & holding back is a huge part of the archery season & challenge.

Yet another HUGE leap at coddling everyone of society’s needs & desires to make things “easier, convenient & supposed fun”. This epitomizes the “me me me culture”. “I want guaranteed success in life!” Rolls right into hunting!!!... I’m entitled to shoot a buck & u all need to make regs so it makes sure I get my buck!!! Society caters to anything that makes things guaranteed, easier & quicker gratification. Sad trend. Everyone needs a participation ribbon & even low skilled hunters should be entitled to a buck. The lazy entitlement faction of society- the same mindset that supports socialism & guaranteed outcomes.... that outlook creeps into even HUNTING - via politicians, special interests and “feel good “ voters.

I’ll skip down a few steps on this one into a bottom line. 6% timber, 40% more hunters in archery- disaster for access, deer herd, age structure & mature bucks. BOTTOM LINE- yes, for those that care- absolutely say goodbye to a large # of the young & best genetic bucks. Fact. All these new masses in the little woods our state has - you all know darn well that premo genetic 2-3 year old that’s dumb as heck but has a rack- they will get pummeled. Age class drastically degraded & high grade killing of the best young bucks. Iowa being a state with potential for mature bucks... just got infinitely harder. REAL BOTTOM LINE...... Iowa as u knew it is gone. Crossbows during archery season OR guns during rut- those 2 changes are game changers & decimation to this state. Period.

*this recent ad caught my attention in one of the hunting magazines i was glancing through. Read all of it.
Few reasons, by far not the array...
6-7 weapons already & crossbows can used during late season as it is. Allowing them from oct 1 to jan 10 is an unmitigated disaster, here’s a few reasons why....
Claims from crossbow Lobby themselves “put 40% more hunters in the woods during archery!!” We are crowded as it is. Archery land is extremely competitive as it is. Access will get even worse with 40% more hunters.

Up to 100 yard shots with pretty smooth & quick accuracy (don’t need to shoot all season long) & lot more kills during archery season. Read Ad below close!!!

Don’t have to draw the weapon while deer close by. This lack of movement is HUGE & very much the advantage a gun gives. Pulling bow back with human force & holding back is a huge part of the archery season & challenge.

Yet another HUGE leap at coddling everyone of society’s needs & desires to make things “easier, convenient & supposed fun”. This epitomizes the “me me me culture”. “I want guaranteed success in life!” Rolls right into hunting!!!... I’m entitled to shoot a buck & u all need to make regs so it makes sure I get my buck!!! Society caters to anything that makes things guaranteed, easier & quicker gratification. Sad trend. Everyone needs a participation ribbon & even low skilled hunters should be entitled to a buck. The lazy entitlement faction of society- the same mindset that supports socialism & guaranteed outcomes.... that outlook creeps into even HUNTING - via politicians, special interests and “feel good “ voters.

I’ll skip down a few steps on this one into a bottom line. 6% timber, 40% more hunters in archery- disaster for access, deer herd, age structure & mature bucks. BOTTOM LINE- yes, for those that care- absolutely say good by to a large # of the young & best genetic bucks. Fact. All these new masses in the little woods our state has - you all know darn well that premo genetic 2-3 year old that’s dumb as heck but has a rack- they will get pummeled. Age class drastically degraded & high grade killing of the best young bucks. Iowa being a state with potential for mature bucks... just got infinitely harder. REAL BOTTOM LINE...... Iowa as u knew it is gone. Crossbows during archery season OR guns during rut- those 2 changes are game changers & decimation to this state. Period.

*this recent ad caught my attention in one of the hunting magazines i was glancing through. Read all of it.
Im gonna have to get me one of those new Ravin Rifles
Could you meet in the middle on this one somehow? Maybe allow crossbow hunting to anyone but restrict the range/draw weight (capabilities) somehow only making an exception for those that have the medical release. Change what can be harvested, antler restrictions maybe. I have an uncle (35 years bow hunting) who no longer can hunt with a bow, due to shoulder replacement, who refuses to use a crossbow. Not the same in the fall without him out there anymore. I also have a coworker/mentor who refuses to use a crossbow as well but is legally able.

I find it really hard to believe there would be 40% more hunters. Is that a statistic a bow manufacturer came up with? For one they’re too expensive and I believe there’s too much stigma attached of one being “soft” for using it, see two examples above. I’m not sold on the movement thing either, just as much movement with a gun or crossbow. I don’t hunt out of enclosed blinds and don’t hold my weapon to my shoulder constantly, movement required. Yes access is an issue, how many hunters do you know that do not go out near as much or quit all together due to access? Areas multiple hunters had access are now not allowed at all or down to one person or no one.

Allowing more weapon options does not mean that deer will automatically appear and chip shots will happen. Deer hunting is just not an easy sport, too many variables. Will more deer be killed? I’m sure there will and possibly to a point where restrictions will need to be put back into place to replenish the resource. If change is made one way it can be changed back another direction.
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