I can just add a few personal comments. I've bowhunted since I was 15. Bowkilled my 1st deer on my 2nd sit ever. I always loved it, but bowhunting always came as a lower priority than our IL gun seasons. Why? Because we farmed and rarely ever had a chance to bowhunt much at all until usually mid November on an average year. At that point it was time to gear up for the short gun season and keep the property calm. So just on a personal level, we knew that in our best interest, devoting the game plan towards gun season was more beneficial. All through the years I witnessed the biggest bucks getting shot by bowhunters before we even had a chance to finish up in the fields and pick up our guns or bows. I suspect it's the same way for many farmers (landowners) across the midwest. Like clockwork, we'd pick up some big sheds, then get excited about eventually hunting the buck, but see him get shot on Halloween. Nature of the beast though. No worries.
Fast forward to last fall. Again, related to my situation. I read in the local paper that the state just secretly bought over 2,000 acres of land adjoining our farm, adding on to the already large parks with abundant public hunting. With the wrath of public hunters about to be unleashed on our fenceline, the 1st thing I did was researched crossbows and bought 1 that day. When it came I started shooting on the range. It's a "100 yard" model. I've only practiced with it to 50, and set my top range at 40 yards for the 1st year. At 50 you can already see that bolt dropping, you can watch it in flight the whole way. It's not a bow, but it's most definitely not a rifle. I can never see myself taking a shot with it at a deer over 50 or possibly 60 yards. I'd say 50 seems about right. That's just me. Others obviously will be different. But there has to be other guys like me out there. Here's the kicker, last year I passed up 4 bucks with it that I would've easily shot with my old Mathews. All were in the 140's, and 3 of these bucks were at 25 yards. Again, I would've shot them with my compound bow, but I passed them up with my xbow. Analyze that any way you want, but it is what it is. I shot video and pics of them all. 2 ended up getting killed by neighbors. I found the sheds from 1, and the other 1 is a mystery. Maybe other guys will be like I was, and let deer walk.
I guess my only point is that everyone has unique circumstances. It's not a 1 size fits all. Skip is right that more and more seasons will not help matters. Iowa I'm sure watches it's neighbors happily reducing their herd sizes, and is paying attention.