Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

CRP extensions

Didn't pass due to a small wash out

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What do they say to do about the wash out?
The letter didn't specify and we haven't spoke with him yet. I assume he wants us to fill it in but it will reaccure over time. We may just tile it so that we can eliminate the problem once and for all. I will let you know what he recommends after I speak with him.
Past inspection on my old CRP for the 10 year extension, but I sure have a butt load of thorny locust on my new CRP ground seeded down 3 years ago. Am going to try to burn the suckers in the spring. I don't remember seeing them last year when we were spading out the thistles, but their all over this year.
I finally got my CRP 10 re-enrollment signed up today. Got a $20 per acre "raise"! Whoowooo!!

Then I went next door to the NRCS office to sign the mid-contract management papers and it just so happens that I was the very first person to sign up for brand new management rates and options. I want to pass this on, because all of you who have already done this, will want to go back in to get higher cost share for mid-contract management.

I chose a double light disking (1 to 3") and interseeding. Previously discing was $5.60 an acre, but now this was nearly $25.00 an acre!! There are many options including burning and mowing etc. To get paid for burning you have to have a private "burn specialist" write up a burn plan...forget that
I said can I burn it on my own and then do the disking and he said...well "these things happen"
The feds just don't want any lawsuits if fire gets away, so any burning your on your own with out a "burn plan"

At any rate, I would check with your NRCS office because he said they expected word would travel fast and they would have to re-do any previous managemnt plans.

The disking option is to be done a 1/3 at a time over 5 years(as would most of the other options)and it's meant to encourage forbs etc.
Guess what they want you to interseed? Clover, alfalfa, etc! No inspection...so if one just happened to plant most of the clover seed in one lil ole area...welllll...(not to mention getting paid for it
Well I suppose we did a good enough job with the clearage. 10 more years baby! and a $20 an acre jump as well.. right on
Well what do you know... I just talked to same office a week ago and they gave me the $5.60 per acre figure. $25 an acre sounds like gravy, I just need to figure out how to pull it off without my wife finding about it!!

I got about a $15 per acre raise on the CRP rate, that's OK too!
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