Screwing the mount to the tree or screwing the security box to tree is the only way to go. To much weight in the bulky camera for just the strap alone in my opinion.
I have 8 of the j cams since feb. Guess need to update firmware or add solar panels as not impressed with battery life compared to my E series cams. I have started testing the batteries after the cam says dead batteries. Like 3 out of the 12 are actually below the 1.5 volts. Has saved me a bunch on batteries
Update...I have now had 4 cuddelink and 1 cellular home base running for about 6 weeks. Battery life on the cell base is about a month for 4 D-cell batteries and considering how much work this unit does, no complaints. I put Solar kits on the 4 cams and they have been flawless. The picture quality is acceptable, nothing great but nothing to complain about. Overall, I would say Cuddeback hit a home run here.
I do have a question, how does everyone catalog the pictures off their email? I don't plan to do any card pulls until I pull cams in February.
my pic quality is excellent. I was surprised. Extremely good. But.... I made one important setting change. I put distance to “close”. The other ones were too bright. Close is perfect!!
I’m running J’s with lithiums until solar comes in- no cams have ran outta batteries in 1.5 months now. No failures. Only thing i might do is glue a lil bark or cambush stuff on outside so blend in. So far- I’ll admit- I’m pretty impressed.
Hi all. I'm looking for some assistance and came across this forum. I'm new to Cuddeback cameras, and definitely new to these linked cams. I bought a 4-pack of the Black Flash (J-series) cams and a CuddeLink Home unit. They've all worked well as far as sending images back to the home unit, but I'm experiencing one very serious problem: battery life.
I followed the recommended settings from the manual, and every camera has taken well in excess of 10,000 images and depleted two sets of batteries (just-bought Duracell & Energizer) in less than three days. I know Cuddeback says these will use batteries faster than regular trail cams, but this is ridiculous. Additionally, only ONE IMAGE from all four combined had any animal in it (well, there were about a dozen or so of me, so I guess that counts)! I've seen fresh deer tracks in front of all cameras, but none of them have shown up in pics. I can only assume, for the time being, that they coincidentally only showed up when the batteries were dead. Needless to say, looking at the nearly $1,000 of Cuddeback gear does not put me in a very good mood.
Any advice on settings - or anything else - that will alleviate this problem? The cameras take pics of even the smallest movement of twigs near and far, and if it's snowing they're like a crowd of paparazzi. I'll appreciate any help y'all can provide.
I have 4 J came on rechargables and solar chargers. Working flawless went a whole season no issues.
Got J cams set up. Last year they worked amazingly well. Only complaint was battery life BUT I expected that due to it sending signal out. This year, I’m adding solar panels & a Verizon transmitter to send me pics. The actual use of Verizon transmitter is mainly for “security” as we had a lot of poaching last year. BUT- I’m thoroughly “surprised” & impressed with this system. So far so good. This round of “success” will depend on: “do these solar panels really keep these cams going?” If so- mission accomplished.
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I dont believe this will work. One home per string of cams. You could setup a few with the cell base and a few with the other base on a different frequency.Has anyone tried running two home cameras? I have a home unit (which doesn’t have a camera), that I would like to put on my deck. I also have a cell camera, which I would like to setup for cell transmission.
What is everybody that’s running these getting for battery life?? Been reading up on them and love the idea but I don’t want to be changing batteries out on these things every few weeks. Also did I read right where majority of these cams take D batteries? So basically have to run solar panel on every cam to get extended battery life.
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that’s pretty good for regular D batteries. I would think you could get even more with lithium’s. Are you running the solar panels on your cameras? Heard they were pretty much out of stock of those.
Major complaint I’ve read is the battery life, other than that it’s all been pretty good reviews.
What settings do you have most cameras on to get 3-4 months + out of a set of batteries?
Thanks for the help
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Trouble shooting for u cuddelink experts.....
Put solar system on my cams (as the ultimate lithium’s are $15 per camera per swap & usually go a month or so)..... many of my solars are dying. I’ve got solars faced south - at great angle to get full sun. Went out with fully charged batteries and many aren’t making it past about 10 days. Any solutions or thoughts?!?!?!?
Second - antennas keep getting eaten. Can’t determine what is eating them?!? Antennas on backorder. Viable solutions there? Thx!