I bought three cuddelink cams this weekend and was testing in the house and heard the clicking noise. I sent a pm to hoovjara and bkraps asking about this as well as one other person on another forum that I know that uses these cams this weekend because of the very same thing. Then today someone comes on here saying their friend did the very same thing this weekend and had the same issue. What a coincidence

Anyways I also contacted a rep for the company and the owner of the company. Both of those guys said it was the filter and it was activated so often because of the light situation in the house. The fella from the other forum and the rep and owner pm'd me back, owner on Sunday night and rep on Monday. I didn't expect to be contacted for a few days, especially since it was Sat. when I sent the pms.
The cams, besides the noise issue, performed exactly as described. The home cam had all the pics of the other two cam as well as its own and all were in there own folders on the home cam sd card. They were simple to set up and the pics were of great quality.
Mark Cuddeback impressed me with him taking the time to get back to me so soon on Sunday.
Hoovjara, by chance are you a dealer of these cams in WI?
While I'll agree that testing in the house is not the best way to test the camera it is a great way to make sure it takes pictures with all that goes on in the house. After putting in scent chamber for a few minutes and a spray down of scent killer they are in my scent free container and will be put out this week. In a few weeks I'm sure I will have some good intel to plan from. If these work as described in real world settings I will be buying several more. as well as the other accessories they have coming out to improve their function in the hilly terrain I'm in.