Agreed, they are just a total different animal. Figure might as well maximize the genetic potential, just like when doing a timber harvest to keep the best around the longest.
Not necessarily for any "genetic" reasons, but just to maximize what is there before my eyes. Might as well have a 180" 5 year old as a 140" 5 year old...either one will get it tho![]()
Yep - agreed. I'm stoked and happy shooting a 135" 6 year old for example. Trophy to me. Hopefully makes room, often has, for that awesome genetic buck that turns into a giant when we can shoot him at 5, 6, 7 - again, another trophy. The one example that doesn't happen on my place but I know it happens all over..... The 130" 6 year old 8 point gets passed while the 155" 3 year old gets pounded. Boggles the mind to me and examples resembling this in some fashion are common-place, happens all over. I make sure it doesn't happen on my place but it absolutely drives me nuts seeing it happen all the time.