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Custom Kaiser Kall


New Member


I've had this call since before the 2005 spring season, but realized that I never had posted pics of it.

This call and the striker that goes with it were turned by Andy Kaiser of Booneville, Indiana, out of a piece of birdseye maple. Birdseye has always been my favorite type of wood, and I thought it would neat to have a turkey call made from some.

Andy really put some fine craftsmanship into turning this call, and as you can see from the pics, it's a beauty that sounds as good as it looks. I had him put a band of wood inlay around the edge of the call. The unusual track pattern running across the back was done as a special tribute to the three-year-old bird that I took last fall. He had lost the ends of two toes on his left foot, and these had healed over into rounded nubs.

The call surface is glass (acrylic) that it produces a wonderful tone with great volume.
Teeroy has some of his calls I think. They do look very nice. Thought about having him make me one with the IBA logo under the glass. Very nice!

Happy belated birthday!

You're right on about the quality and beauty of Andy's calls. I do all of my turkey hunting w/ a bow, and received a short (56") all-Bocote Robertson Stykbow recurve this year for easy manueverability in my Double Bull blind.

I was fortunate enough to get Andy to make me a matched SET of Bocote calls...which included an Owl call, Crow call and a gorgeous Black Aluminum over Slate pot call.

The phrase "sound as good as they look" is almost impossible to believe when you're talking about a Kaiser...but the proof in in the freezer! As soon as I got mine, I immediately ordered one for my hunting buddy. NOT because he's my buddy...because I knew he'd be stealing MINE if he didn't have one of his own!!


(Bottom of call shown to show woodgrain)
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