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cut on contact broadheads:

For COC heads i personally prefer zwickey type heads, those that have no chisel point.
DOR, have you ever tried Tusker's ?
I use the 175 gr. Aztecs.:way:

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Nope, I'd try them though, they look pretty cool. Nice and heavy.

I have likely treid more heads than most guys, but I had never even heard of Tuskers. Ole Zwickeys are still pretty hard to beat for me. Readily available and hard to improve on the design.:way:
If I am using a fixed blade, I like the pointed tips like the muzzies. I think they do a lot more damage when you hit bone.
Well,,there is one vote for the pointed over the blade. better for bone. Now I am confused?? Each has a good point though.
I am going to try Slick Tricks, and see the Razor Trick, has the cut on contact point.

One of the new slick tricks whistled bad when I shot it. Not sure if it was the Grizz Trick or the Razor Trick. I like 100grain Slick Trick Magnums.
Just to throw a curve into this........................................A single bevel cut on contact head will be vastly superior on bone than a pointed.
Google Ashby broadheads for info.
Just to throw a curve into this........................................A single bevel cut on contact head will be vastly superior on bone than a pointed.
Google Ashby broadheads for info.

This has been my experience as well.
I think half of us are talking two blade cut on contacts, the other half three blade broadheads which is what I was thinking. No doubt a two blade will dig deeper, you have 33% less drag with the extra blade.

As far as 3 blades go, the only penetration tests I have ever done is compared Muzzies to Snuffers and Montec G5s. In both cases the Muzzy has outperformed the other two. With the same bow, different broadhead the muzzy passed through the steel I shot them at, as well as 3/4 inch plywood in a different test. The COC simply stuck in about 3/4 way and that is where they sat.

So to sum it up, whatever you are confident in, that will be the best broadhead for you. For me, I like trying new things because one thing I have learned, they will all kill a deer :)
"I like trying new things because one thing I have learned, they will all kill a deer "

I think that sums it up pretty well.
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