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CWD Hits close to home

Sod Savage

Like on our farm, right in the middle of it... Kind of sucks but it is what is, we will have to sit back and see what happens next. Deer camp might have to change to Ice Fishing camp. I don't know.
That's to bad. Would be a sobering moment for sure. Only a matter of time before we're all dealing with it. If we're not already.
Fayette County. It was a late muzzle loader doe. When they were field dressing her they noticed it didn't have any fat on it so they got it tested.
Fayette County. It was a late muzzle loader doe. When they were field dressing her they noticed it didn't have any fat on it so they got it tested.
We first found cwd on our land 4 years ago. Since then we have found 5 more positives but have harvested over 40 deer. Every single positive looked and acted normal. Would have never been able to tell without a test. The MN DNR claims that if does are found to have it, it’s bad news. It’s not just a wandering buck. Most likely that doe will spread it to others in its family group. I think if Iowa had mandatory testing like MN they would find 3xs as many positives. I just saw a sharpshooter truck about an hour ago driving the back roads looking over their bait piles. I don’t have the answer but I certainly know sharpshooting isn’t the answer. Good luck.
We first found cwd on our land 4 years ago. Since then we have found 5 more positives but have harvested over 40 deer. Every single positive looked and acted normal. Would have never been able to tell without a test. The MN DNR claims that if does are found to have it, it’s bad news. It’s not just a wandering buck. Most likely that doe will spread it to others in its family group. I think if Iowa had mandatory testing like MN they would find 3xs as many positives. I just saw a sharpshooter truck about an hour ago driving the back roads looking over their bait piles. I don’t have the answer but I certainly know sharpshooting isn’t the answer. Good luck.
What's the goal of the sharp shooter if you can't tell which ones are sick? Are they trying to shoot them all?
What's the goal of the sharp shooter if you can't tell which ones are sick? Are they trying to shoot them all?
In my opinion, yes. They won’t come out and announce that to the public. They’ll say things like ‘reducing the herd, we don’t wanna shoot every deer, that would be impossible. By reducing the herd we feel like we can limit the spread of cwd’.
CWD isn’t a threat to wiping out deer like EDH is... it’s just a ploy to allow the government to wipe out the deer for insurance company money...

if they cared about deer they would focus on EHD....
I don't think it will wipe out the deer herd, but if your goal is to shoot big old grey faced bucks, I think that will become more difficult. All of the mature bucks I have gotten, besides one, have come with in a half mile of where this deer was taken. I honestly don't know what it looks like in 10 years but I have my concerns. Hopefully I just say Meh.

I am not so much concerned for myself, I have had plenty of luck. I am worried my kids won't know what its like to see a no doubt about it style buck come thru the timber at them. One that at first glance your the first thought thru your head is "don't miss".
That sucks, I think as it has been said above, we will all be dealing with it in due time and its impact won't be meh. I pray I am wrong.
I am worried my kids won't know what its like to see a no doubt about it style buck come thru the timber at them.
Been in Colorado for fifty years. Still lots of good Elk and Deer running around. Probably been nation wide for hundreds of years we just did not test for it. Also, I think Iowa has recently increased the amount of testing so there is no doubt you will get more hits.
Been in Colorado for fifty years. Still lots of good Elk and Deer running around. Probably been nation wide for hundreds of years we just did not test for it. Also, I think Iowa has recently increased the amount of testing so there is no doubt you will get more hits.

Colorado Chronic Wasting Disease Response Plan December 2018

I. Executive Summary Mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk and moose are highly valued species in North America. Some of Colorado’s herds of these species are increasingly becoming infected with chronic wasting disease (CWD). As of July 2018, at least 31 of Colorado's 54 deer herds (57%), 16 of 43 elk herds (37%), and 2 of 9 moose herds (22%) are known to be infected with CWD. Four of Colorado's 5 largest deer herds and 2 of the state’s 5 largest elk herds are infected. Deer herds tend to be more heavily infected than elk and moose herds living in the same geographic area. Not only are the number of infected herds increasing, the past 15 years of disease trends generally show an increase in the proportion of infected animals within herds as well. Of most concern, greater than a 10-fold increase in CWD prevalence has been estimated in some mule deer herds since the early 2000s; CWD is now adversely affecting the performance of these herds.


(the map on page 71, cwd marked in red, is shocking...tss)


CWD Advisory Group


Testing Waiver
A Colorado alternative livestock producer who has had no CWD positive tests in the previous 60 months and who has had at least 60 months of CWD surveillance status may apply for a waiver from the mandatory surveillance requirements. Application to Waive CWD Sample Submission for Imported Elk






*** Spraker suggested an interesting explanation for the occurrence of CWD. The deer pens at the Foot Hills Campus were built some 30-40 years ago by a Dr. Bob Davis. At or abut that time, allegedly, some scrapie work was conducted at this site. When deer were introduced to the pens they occupied ground that had previously been occupied by sheep.



ALSO, one of the most, if not the most top TSE Prion God in Science today is Professor Adriano Aguzzi, and he recently commented on just this, on a cwd post on my facebook page August 20 at 1:44pm, quote;
''it pains me to no end to even contemplate the possibility, but it seems entirely plausible that CWD originated from scientist-made spread of scrapie from sheep to deer in the colorado research facility. If true, a terrible burden for those involved.'' August 20 at 1:44pm ...end

”The occurrence of CWD must be viewed against the contest of the locations in which it occurred. It was an incidental and unwelcome complication of the respective wildlife research programmes. Despite it’s subsequent recognition as a new disease of cervids, therefore justifying direct investigation, no specific research funding was forthcoming. The USDA viewed it as a wildlife problem and consequently not their province!” page 26.



Colorado confirmed CWD TSE Prion in 24 game management units in the state where it previously hadn’t been found



Management of chronic wasting disease in ranched elk: conclusions from a longitudinal three-year study

Although the herd owners were presented with additional management directives, including culling of CWD positive bulls and those animals positive by an amplification assay (RT-QuIC), they were not implemented due to concern regarding its potential impact on hunting revenue.


Adjacent property to us shot a positive 5 or 6 years ago. Been a few more allegedly shot in the surrounding sections, and scattered around our county, just like most of N IL. Sharpshooters have spent a few months each of the past several years over a corn pile, on a different adjoining property to us. Keeping the herd in check isn't a problem with me. I do get rubbed knowing they get some of the good bucks we pass up. Some slip through though. I've been able to get a 163" and a 140" in the past 4 years, both probably 4.5 year olds, possibly 5.5. For better or worse, still eating deer meat. Figure I have other things to worry about than dying from a cwd deer. Maybe I'll change my mind someday. FWIW, and I still need to fact check it better, but I heard our county tested zero positives during the '19 shotgun season.
Personally, I am hesitant to get a deer tested for fear of a positive hit...if a test comes back as positive and the sharpshooters roll in to “reduce the herd”, I could only imagine the impact that could potentially have on A.) value of your property both short and long term and B.) the general hunting experience.

Seems to be no right or wrong way to go about it...I do think the real threat of CWD has been greatly exaggerated. Govn’t playing off the passion/emotion of people who enjoy all things deer & deer hunting. Let’s stick together and push for facts before we allow govnt to make decisions that will potentially impact all of us.
I have been through this in Northern Illinois and their goal is to wipe out all of the deer in the positive test area and surrounding area to slow the spread. I believe that it does in fact slow the spread but does not stop it, it’s just delayed a bit longer. One of the problems is they (Illinois DNR) were not honest about it and that pisses people off once they realize what they are really trying to do. Another dishonest thing witnessed firsthand by a landowner friend is all the landowners using landowner tags in the area had positive hits on all their harvests but friends using regular tags on the same farms had no positive hits. Once the DNR lost their credibility the relationship between hunters and DNR deteriorated real fast. I’m sharing this to try and help by making other people aware of my experience.

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I got something more to add, I ran across an article written well before CWD, it was an old magazine laying around hunting camp. The subject was the dispersement of does and fawns from doe families from an area after members of their family had been killed. It was determined that if several members of a doe family were killed sometimes the remainder of that family would relocate, which make sense to me. Using this information and applying it to DNR’s tactics of heavy heard reduction I have to think that they would be actually dispersing infected animals to new locations thereby encouraging the spread of CWD. Something to think about....

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They (landowners and MDC) shot 200 during last year’s CWD season in the Mercer County zone.

The free deer burger was nice tho.

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