It is going to be a good fall!
They (landowners and MDC) shot 200 during last year’s CWD season in the Mercer County zone.
The free deer burger was nice tho.
Are there’s lot of cases in Mercer?
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They (landowners and MDC) shot 200 during last year’s CWD season in the Mercer County zone.
The free deer burger was nice tho.
Are there’s lot of cases in Mercer?
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Just the one found 2 years ago. It was a 4+ year old buck and likely from the Wayne county IA positives if I had to guess.
They have not found anymore positives during the reg season testing, or CWD season testing.
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I can’t
I can’t believe that buck made it through the CWD border checks!
I was just making a joke, but yeah I’m sure that happens.
Plenty of those killed in IA and checked in as Mo deer. This one was actually shot in Mercer county within a mile of my place.
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Are any landowners right around you allowing the DNR to slaughter them?
Letemgrow--what is all allowed, extra tags, the DNR is shooting them? This is stupid once again.
CWD isn’t a threat to wiping out deer like EDH is... it’s just a ploy to allow the government to wipe out the deer for insurance company money...
if they cared about deer they would focus on EHD....
CWD isn’t a threat to wiping out deer like EDH is... it’s just a ploy to allow the government to wipe out the deer for insurance company money...
if they cared about deer they would focus on EHD....
Unfortunately, yes....
This was last years CWD shooting efforts in the zone.
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CWD isn’t a threat to wiping out deer like EDH is... it’s just a ploy to allow the government to wipe out the deer for insurance company money...
if they cared about deer they would focus on EHD....
I don't want to fight a war on two fronts, the first being legislative issues but please remember that EHD comes and goes, CWD is forever. In a few years you won't even know there was an outbreak of EHD but that mineral dump is the gift that keeps on giving.
There has been one instance in New York where the scorched earth policy stopped the spread of CWD. They got it very early before it got into the mineral dumps, isolated the family group and wiped them out. Some one mentioned they are trying to slow the spread by murdering deer. This, in my opinion, will help slow the spread. It sucks for you but works well for me because I don't want it in my back yard. This policy didn't work in Wisconsin for a myriad of reasons. I do not condone the use of sharpshooters, I believe, based on conversations I've had with some Iowa DNR folks in the past, that Iowa will not use sharp shooters for two reasons, they ain't free and public opinion is against it.
Anyway, that's an abbreviated version of my stump speech.
Much like climate change...soften you with fear and make you pliable.I do hear what you are saying, but I think if there is proof CWD ever transfers to humans, which some think it does (Flounder)...that is a whole new ballgame, and very serious.
What plan does Iowa have for CWD? I have only read little updates. Is there a long term plan, what are they doing now in the "hot" spots?
What plan does Iowa have for CWD? I have only read little updates. Is there a long term plan, what are they doing now in the "hot" spots?