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CWD in Iowa: Scary stuff

Yeah, drove past there one day and a ton of deer... a week later, no deer and the ground was all worked... only a few miles from one of my farms...ugh
Not nearly as scary as Ebola in the US! CWD does suck, and hope it doesn't spread to the wild herd, but herds of mule deer, elk and whitetail out west have been dealing with it for quite some time, and still have healthy populations, although they are more spread out over a bigger area.
So did I read this right? They are getting a handout from federal funds to the tune of almost a million dollars to reimburse them for their herd?
I have no idea how those programs work, or how these businesses are ran, but I would think it should be an insurance claim by their business. And if one decides against insuring their herd, in the event of a disease, they should be
S.O.L. Like I said, I'm not knowledgeable with livestock or anything like this situation, but I feel disappointed if this is how the system works.
So did I read this right? They are getting a handout from federal funds to the tune of almost a million dollars to reimburse them for their herd?
I have no idea how those programs work, or how these businesses are ran, but I would think it should be an insurance claim by their business. And if one decides against insuring their herd, in the event of a disease, they should be
S.O.L. Like I said, I'm not knowledgeable with livestock or anything like this situation, but I feel disappointed if this is how the system works.

Your just now disappointed in how the government handles things and how things work?
Well.. I knew that the way this is governed is a broken system, but I guess I wasn't aware that the owners of a contaminated preserve or game farm are given a great big chunk of govt cheese to compensate their loss. Figured it should be an insurance claim. Disappointed...absolutely!
The deer were assessed at $3601 each. Cattle aren't that expensive. I'd like to see the breakdown of how this was figured. How many were bucks? Does?

If a captive deer is worth this much, wouldn't a wild 1 be worth a heck of a lot more? Maybe the DNR should adjust the poaching fines a little differently.
I am just dumbfounded to see that the government paid them $917,000, I agree there should be an insurance claim?????
Mostly just saying this to be a smart A$$ but... They're deer "farmers". Not that surprised there's a government program to bail them out.
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