When I emailed the DNR voicing my concerns, this is my reply.. I touched on it in another topic, but figured I would copy and paste the whole response here (sorry for the long read)
Hi Ryan,
First, thanks very much for taking time to comment on the proposed administrative rule changes for deer hunting in Iowa. Your passion and care for the resource is admirable.
I also want to apologize for the inconvenience we caused you during the archery season last year. I'm grateful to you for your willingness to submit tissue samples for our CWD surveillance efforts and am regretful that our staff was not willing and/or able to collect samples from the deer you harvested during the archery season. However, I do want to reaffirm that we are interested in those samples and, in fact, are more interested in samples from deer harvested during earlier seasons rather than later seasons (e.g., late muzzleloader or the proposed January antlerless season) because we know we're getting samples from those deer before they move into wintering areas. This provides us with better information on areas which deer are using, which is ultimately more valuable in understanding how CWD may spread through a population. Again, I'm sorry we were unable to get samples from your archery deer last year, but I hope you will consider submitting samples again next year. If you can't find anyone, give me a call (cell - 515-777-5378) and I'd be happy to come get samples from your deer and chat with you about how the hunting season is going. I also wanted to let you know that we are exploring other options for obtaining samples from hunters such as check stations and other systems for requesting samples that ultimately make it easier for you, the hunter, to submit a sample. Lastly, we plan to have an online system available for next season that provides you with the option to look up your sample test results, which should make it faster for you to get results back for your sampled deer. Obviously, all these things are in the initial stages and we appreciate your patience as we explore the best options for making it more convenient for hunters to submit samples.
I also wanted to provide a bit of clarification on the reasoning for the proposed January antlerless season. First, the January antlerless season is still subject to the county-specific antlerless quotas in those four counties. So, if there are no antlerless licenses remaining in those counties, then there are no antlerless licenses available for the January antlerless season. Furthermore, as defined in the proposed rule, we are placing limits on when individuals can purchase licenses for the January season. In other words, one can't purchase 50 antlerless licenses as soon as they go on sale to be used during the January antlerless season. There are set dates by which they can be purchased and used during the January antlerless season. Again, our hope with these set dates is to encourage harvesting deer during the earlier seasons for surveillance purposes. Lastly, I wanted to clarify that our intent with harvesting more deer is not to obtain more samples, but to reduce densities in these counties to slow the spread of the disease until science can provide us with better information to manage CWD. I appreciate your knowledge of the disease and the research you've done, and as you said, the research thus far does not "paint a pretty picture" for CWD. However, there is still a lot we don't know about the disease and the more we can slow the spread to buy us time to learn, the better we may be in the long run for maintaining the quality of our herd and the quality of deer hunting in Iowa. It's with assistance from passionate hunters such as yourself that we can make this happen. I assure you the proposed changes in regards to seasons and antlerless harvest are not outside what we feel the population can support and deem necessary for managing disease.
Again, thanks very much for taking the time to comment Ryan. If I can answer any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I will ensure your comment is recorded.
Take care,