WE create a lot of Pollution, and the detractors of a warming earth think at least many of them,,that is matters little what we throw into the air and water. I have heard em spout this.
See, this just bugs the buck snot out of me. I know this thread is slightly sideways but this all ties back into the media and how we process the stories we hear, including those CWD headlines.
Sure, we've all heard on the news that CO2 is "polluting" the planet.
Fact is that CO2 is necessary for life as we know it, but they didn't tell me that.
Co2 is plant food!.....but they didn't tell me that.
Atmosphere CO2 is now 400PPM
Greenhouses optimum plant growing level is between 1000-2000 PPM(they pump it in)....but they didn't tell me that.
Airline cabin CO2 levels are as high as 5000 PPM...... but they didn't tell me that.
CO2 is NOT a pollutant, but the media links it to the "evil fossil fuels" and cars that long ago used to pollute. Fact is we burn fuel cleaner than we ever have in history. No sane person supports dirty water, dirty air and dirty oceans.
Pure and simple, news media is marketing and they have become masters of their delivery. Here's a few things I look for in ANY story I'm interested in....
1. Headlines with phrases like "latest evidence suggest..." "new study reveals that this or that may be linked to......." or "new research shows correlation between...". These headlines are almost always followed by a long story of laying out what will "likely" happen due to the new "evidence". Too often we sit back and absorb those stories and then spout off the new "facts" around the water cooler the next day.
2. News stories aren't newsworthy unless they are big. You think everything is really that big? Heck no, things get "inflated" all the time. If there wasn't a little (a lot) of doom and gloom then ratings are in the toilet and networks/news media goes out of business.
3. Every reporter is human. That means they have opinions...and you're going to get them. CNN or FOX, it doesn't matter. Whether it's a small but important piece left out of the story, or an outright verbal bashing, you WILL get that reporters opinion.
As we learn more and more about CWD, just remember this is still relatively new research and there are very few facts at the moment. There is a lot of "research that suggests", but very few thing are a certainty about it right now. Remember in the 80s? Cholesterol was bad, don't eat steak and eggs. Then there was good cholesterol, and some eggs and steak are OK, now there's good and bad cholesterol. Have they sorted this one out yet? I know so many farmers who only eat steak and eggs and live to mid 90s. All I know is that I just put down a 25 oz ribeye and it was excellent!! Eggs for breakfast!!