CWD Update Iowa.


New Member
Just spoke to the DNR handling the CWD issue in Davis County.

Per The DNR all the deer and Elk were Killed by Jan 2012. The owner is in the process of taking the fence down ???

The DNR is working with the AG to see what can be done to stop this from taking place.

Thousands of wild deer have been tested since the outbreak and as of this date no/zero deer have been found with CWD.

I got a number to call to have any of my deer sampled this upcoming season.

Interesting. So it kind of sounds like he is going to stick it to the man and take down his fence hoping it spreads in my opinion. On the other hand if he runs a deer hunting business and still wants to run one it will have to be free range so the fence needs to come down. Glad I dont live there.
Am I missing something? Deer farms are legal in Iowa and still are. Periodic testing of the animals are required by law to keep the farm on the up and up. If a farm has a CWD infected animal the entire herd must be put down. That's it?? No rules are in effect regarding the contaminated farm after the fact? No exit plan? If this is true, the DNR dropped the ball big time! I'm all for the freedom of packing a loaded gun on my side but I know damn well if I kill an innocent person I'm going to jail for life or a better part of one...maybe a bad analogy, but you get my point. Help me out here, what am I missing?
From what I understand the ground can still be infected. That being the case they are trying to figure out what legal stuff they can do. I think the owner is a big money guy so that tells me screw you an me and he goes free.
On the one hand there is much concern about salt licks,food plots,food spreading disease,,then a contaminated deer farm is opened and forgotten? Makes NO sense!:confused:
CWD is in the soil which if opened back up to free ranging animals will devastate the area and only keep on spreading. Read an article once that said they kept deer off a high fence property for 7 yr. When they introduced deer back onto the property they tested positive for CWD. This crap doesn't go away I'm afraid.
This guy has been running roughshod with the DNR and basically doing whatever he wants ever since the first day his CWD was discovered. I own ground that's right up against the pen. Other than bitch and moan, there's really nothing we can do about it. Very frustrating!!
Not trying to beat a dead horse here but its the DNR's job to protect the resource. By taking down the fence the owner knows what he is doing as I'm sure they have told him of the implications. There will be a lot of blood on the DNR's hands if this thing blows up and CWD is found in the local wild herd.
Obviously the DNR did not give this enough forethought and put no law or rule in place for this or the gates would not be open to spread the disease. It should have clearly stated that "deer farms" are legal but if there are any captive deer that tests positive for CWD, that piece of ground will be quarantined, fences stay intact for 7-10 years. IF it is as it appears, the DNR failed. Heads should roll but those heads will probably be those of any wild deer within three miles of that pen if one tests positive.
Once again can't trust GOVT. Heck if the IRS lies, Congress Lies, AG Lies why would the DNR be expected to tell the truth. I will keep it to myself what I see.
I sat in on a little q&a with Dr. Grant Woods a little over a year ago and I think it was at that meeting that he basically said the DNR over-reacted in the case of Wisconsin and eradication zones. He believes that CWD has been around forever and we have just now been testing for it. Just let nature runs its course. It sucks to be next to a jackwagon like that and I feel for you guys ,however, I think the best thing you could do is just not let the DNR test your deer. If I knew that guy would suffer severe consequences for his actions, it'd be a different story but if he is just going to get a slap on the wrist if the wild deer population gets it, then its probably not going to be worth even checking for it in my opinion, unless you dont feel like deer hunting that area for several years.
Obviously the DNR did not give this enough forethought and put no law or rule in place for this or the gates would not be open to spread the disease. It should have clearly stated that "deer farms" are legal but if there are any captive deer that tests positive for CWD, that piece of ground will be quarantined, fences stay intact for 7-10 years. IF it is as it appears, the DNR failed. Heads should roll but those heads will probably be those of any wild deer within three miles of that pen if one tests positive.

Ok easy on the IDNR, the rules and laws are not those of Iowa well not all of them anyway. IDNR enforces Iowa Laws for Wild Deer. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) over sees or enforces laws for all non-wild deer (Deer Farms). As to why there isn't a rule or law in place to stop this well that would fall on the law markers. Thus if you really want to change this I'd be contacting your law makers and not the people who enforce the laws but the ones who make them. You can also see more about the USDA's role in all of this at

The above link is old but only about a year old and the laws on this was just passed this past year to establish a national chronic wasting disease (CWD) herd certification program (HCP) and minimum requirements for interstate movement of deer, elk and moose, or cervids, in the United States. Why was this done because the states asked for it. Remember we have to do our part in this govt, that means voicing your views to your reps, if something needs changed we have to speak up to the folks who make the laws. Just my 2 cent!
You're right VO, don't blame the DNR on this one. They were blocked in all their efforts by the Governor's office. This was politics at its worst where the interests of one person were protected and the best interests of the wild deer herd and everyone else were ignored.
You're right VO, don't blame the DNR on this one. They were blocked in all their efforts by the Governor's office. This was politics at its worst where the interests of one person were protected and the best interests of the wild deer herd and everyone else were ignored.

I don't know the details on the case, as well as the folks who live closer to the area, just wanted to provide some more info to the group. I hope it all works out and CWD never comes to be a large scale deal in Iowa. I will make sure when I have a chance to talk with my state reps and US Reps I bring up the need for them to talk a closer look at this. I think the major issue will be coming up with a law/rules that are equal for all. (hunter, deer farmer, public, etc.) JMO