Dakota's Turkey!

  • Deleted by muddy


Well-Known Member
After missing the 1st part of youth season due to a trip out catching walleyes on Erie, the weather forcasted for today looked like our best opportunity before regular season started! So needless to say today was a free day off for both of us. It was a really slow morning, as we heard our last gobble at 6:38. For the next 4 hrs we never heard a bird. We we were deciding to pack it up, out of nowhere I spotted 2 toms coming in at 30yds and closing fast! I told him to get ready and take your best shot! With in what seemed like seconds both birds were at 6 yds! As if he was in auto pilot, I heard the safety 1st then Boom!
After such a slow morning, in a matter of 2 minutes it was done!
11 inch beard
1 1/8th spurs
23 lbs
  • Deleted by muddy