Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Dark to dark for ten days



Well it is official i have sat ten days dark to dark in 20 degree weather. being from a small town in michigans upper pennisula we have some very outlandish winters, not to mention the do nothing right gang (dnr) planted wolves ten years ago. So far year to date this season i have seen 3 deer 62 partridge 2 wolves and a lone bull moose. on a good note some how i have managed to shoot the best buck of my life a heavy 9 point with a 19 inch spread, although it is a far cry from what you all take i am one proud yooper this year. I will figure out how to post some pics and i have five more days of dark to dark before seasons over and one tag left. good luck guys.



there is room for all gods creatures..............right next to the mashed potatoes
If I'd only seen 3 deer in that long I'd quit hunting or maybe hunt wolves. Only 3?
The Do Nothin' Right gang. Amen to that one.

Congrats on the nice yupper buck, that's one the wolves didn't get.

The troll. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
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