Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Daughters 1st Turkey. BBD!


PMA Member
I personally don't have much interest in hunting Turkey but I figured I'd let my kids decide for themselves whether they want to be Turkey hunters or not. Well, 9:00 am opening morning MN youth season, my Daughter Emily became a Turkey hunter.

Her faithful 20 ga. did the trick at 17 yds. Bird weighed 23 lbs, has a 9 1/2 inch beard and 1 3/16 spurs.

Nice spurs!

Proud Pop and a pretty good kid.
Gotta love that. I'm not sure but I'm guessing that it must be as rewarding if not more rewarding to set up a child on a turkey than to get one yourself. Can't wait to take my son in a few more years. Whatever the case, big congrats to the two of you!

Nice gobbler, Congrats Emily! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif


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