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Daughters first turkey hunt (video)

Sorry guys, the video was getting alot of viewing and crashed the server. It's back up now. Thanks!
I hate to say it, but seeing things like that really makes me want to have kids a lot sooner so I can share those experiences with them! Very nice video and congrats on the awesome day with your daughter.
That is a hunt that you guy's will alway's look back on and have in your memory bank forever.Thank you for sharing it with all of us.
What everyone else has said... awesome job! It sure looked like she was giggling up a storm in the blind, great job.
That is a great video! Hope to have similar experiences with my kids in a few years.

Thanks for sharing.
That was freaking cool! I wish my wife and I had a kid to teach those things to! The only thing worse than having children is not having them
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