Hi Guys. Recently closed on a new farm and am looking for some input on an area - anyone done anything for habitat improvement/TSI in timber that was recently wiped out from emerald ash borer?
It's a small central timber hub (about 15 acres timber total with 2021 summer aerial below) that's mainly dead or dying ash. There's some silver maple on the west edge and some large swamp white & white oak on the east side but I saw little for young oaks or walnuts to release and there's almost no middle canopy. This is a river bottom so the floor is mainly reeds canary grass with some gooseberry & greenbrier. I'm curious waht you guys would do with it if anything to improve it right now for the deer - seems to hold deer as we found a number of sheds and has a lot of open canopy already. CRP is in the north & west fields & alfalfa in the east fields. Thanks guys.
It's a small central timber hub (about 15 acres timber total with 2021 summer aerial below) that's mainly dead or dying ash. There's some silver maple on the west edge and some large swamp white & white oak on the east side but I saw little for young oaks or walnuts to release and there's almost no middle canopy. This is a river bottom so the floor is mainly reeds canary grass with some gooseberry & greenbrier. I'm curious waht you guys would do with it if anything to improve it right now for the deer - seems to hold deer as we found a number of sheds and has a lot of open canopy already. CRP is in the north & west fields & alfalfa in the east fields. Thanks guys.