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Romney owned that $h!T!! Obama had no clue what he was saying.. His best points of the night were in Romneys favor lol
I think that was more geared toward the 49% of people who pay no income tax and also r actually getting money from the government. Folks don't see a problem when we hit a point that over half the folks out there pay no income taxes but collect government checks? no skin in the game but they just vote themselves a raise & vote for folks who will keep the checks coming.

And the 40+ million people on food stamps.
I think that was more geared toward the 49% of people who pay no income tax and also r actually getting money from the government. Folks don't see a problem when we hit a point that over half the folks out there pay no income taxes but collect government checks? no skin in the game but they just vote themselves a raise & vote for folks who will keep the checks coming.

Well if you say so. But included in that 49% is elderly on medicare, retired military vets and wounded vets. I believe they are "entitled" to government help as I would hope you agree. Like I said less than 5% Americans are on welfare. Please don't use Fox News as your sorce for information. And I do think Romney stuck it to Obama. It will be a close election in my opinion.
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I don't come here to discuss politics but.........

To bad Romney could not have carried himself like that and taken those positions from the beginning. The man blows where ever the political winds take him. The stage must have had a pretty big tilt to it because he rolled right to the middle last night. Once again my choices suck.

Just my thoughts. I liked him coming out of Mass. I don't believe anything that comes out of his mouth any more then the other guy now.
Well if you say so. But included in that 49% is elderly on medicare, retired military vets and wounded vets. I believe they are "entitled" to government help as I would hope you agree. Like I said less than 5% Americans are on welfare. Please don't use Fox News as your sorce for information. And I do think Romney stuck it to Obama. It will be a close election in my opinion.

Those statistics are absolutely provably false. I'll just give u ONE of ten facts that can disprove that.... Right in the "stats" it says, as ONE example: food stamp recipients. Well- the correct # is 46 MILLION Americans on food stamps alone. Even that stat alone is almost 20% of the population. Here's the none-Fox evidence u can find anywhere:

Then, u start adding perpetual welfare for able bodied folks, 2 yrs on unemployment, free gov housing, Medicaid, subsidized utilities, etc, etc, etc (never ending list). *i fully support a short term safety net & disabled support & vets. A tiny fraction of the stats when it's 10's of millions in the other category. Cradle to grave gov dependence from the greatest country on earth w/more opportunity than any society in human history?!? Time for a change in course.
Lots of give aways besides Welfare. Minority groups not so much minority groups anymore, and majority on Obama's side,,for many reasons.
Cradle to grave gov dependence from the greatest country on earth w/more opportunity than any society in human history?!? Time for a change in course.

That's it right there! It's not the leader(s) who will destroy this country, it's the people who have no intention to fend for themselves but are willing to rely on the government for all their needs. The politician who can give the most wins. That's nice and all, but it's gonna drive this nation further and further in debt and eventually we as a nation will fall. People need to wake up!
I think New Orleans after Katrina is what the country may get to before Congress wakes up and has the courage to do the things necessary to reduce debt. I have shared with my older kids who are new or soon to be independent adults to think about the scenario of what happens when the country "can"t afford to continue the level of social safety nets and "has to" take them away. It could get real ugly (look at Greece right now).
I think New Orleans after Katrina is what the country may get to before Congress wakes up and has the courage to do the things necessary to reduce debt. I have shared with my older kids who are new or soon to be independent adults to think about the scenario of what happens when the country "can"t afford to continue the level of social safety nets and "has to" take them away. It could get real ugly (look at Greece right now).

Agreed, I would only offer a mild argument that it isn't Congress that is ultimately at fault, they are just a reflection of our society. The real problem is all the way down at the individual level where SO MANY people either have no idea how to support themselves or even the fortitude/discipline/conviction/etc to do so.

IMO a way too large percentage of our society is an awful long ways from the place where everyone worked hard, saved for the future, helped their neighbor, etc, and in general pulled their own weight and took pride in doing so. Nowadays, there is no hesitation or shame for many to receive something from nothing from someone, anyone, else. When the "takers" outnumber the "givers" you can just shut the lights, it's over, and we are dangerously close to that tipping point IMO.
Agreed, I would only offer a mild argument that it isn't Congress that is ultimately at fault, they are just a reflection of our society. The real problem is all the way down at the individual level where SO MANY people either have no idea how to support themselves or even the fortitude/discipline/conviction/etc to do so.

IMO a way too large percentage of our society is an awful long ways from the place where everyone worked hard, saved for the future, helped their neighbor, etc, and in general pulled their own weight and took pride in doing so. Nowadays, there is no hesitation or shame for many to receive something from nothing from someone, anyone, else. When the "takers" outnumber the "givers" you can just shut the lights, it's over, and we are dangerously close to that tipping point IMO.

No argument from me on those additional comments. Valids statements. However, I do have a higher expectation of our elected officials related to the mathematics of the country's financial situation versus my expectations of the general public. DC actually KNOWS the hard realities whereas many in the general public are just ignorant of the facts.

Very few backbones in DC.
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Dude's face made it look like they pulled him out of a wax museum :grin:


Good one!

I'm republican all the way and it was awesome to see Romney eat him alive. Best debate ever!

I'm sure NoBama will come back slinging exagerated bullshit to try to real in all the oblivious voters hung up on handouts that won't even try to get a job cause they got it made.
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