
I have a little history with a very good buck on my property!!! Last year I had him at 12 yds for about 7 minutes and he wouldnt turn broadside. I made my mind up last year not to take a quartering to shot as I see them on tv and just cringe.

So I wasnt happy to let him get away last year but this year he shows up and boy was I happy he got away.

I have a 166",155" 3 140"'s and a couple 130"s. I also have some nice bucks on camera. I pretty much know what I am going to do this year as far as just wait on the big one or shoot a good un'. My queation would you hold out just for the big guy or shoot another one you would be proud of? The next pics are my other options.

These bucks are all mid 130"s to maybe close to 150". I am excited and just wanted other peoples opinion on Wait for the biggest or shoot one you would be proud of. I have alot of pics from last year of all these bucks and didnt kill a deer. If I didnt have a pic of the biggest buck all would be shot on sight and still probably will be because I have hunted long enough to know it aint easy to kill a mature buck. Sorry for the long post. I will also be in Zone 4 early Nov. trying to fill a tag ther also. Anybody want to swap a hunt? Sorry for the long post but I am ready for season to open. Doug
From what I can tell those look like some awesome pictures. Did you upload them to photobucket? If you did it that route then change the upload size when are you getting ready to upload them. Medium is what I use when I upload my pics on there......if thats not the route you went then i'm not sure how to help ya.....get a photobucket account and try it that way. Thanks for sharing your pics! Hope to see them bigger soon.....
I just loaded them to the gallery here and the first one I posted was a good size then all the others have been small. Doug






I think these are better. The next are the biggest buck from last year!!


I was in the tree as the pics were being snapped. I would be looking just like the camera but about 15 yds to the left. Doug
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Shoot the deer that makes you happy. From the sounds of it you would have fun but be dissappointed in the end if you shot one of the smaller ones. So I would hunt the monster or that old giant 8pt. Let those little fellars go and have alot more big bucks next year to hunt.
decisions decisions, man youve got some dandy bucks and some great ones for next year. love those big brows on that pig in the first wildview pic!
If'n it were me, I would hunt that big guy like crazy. With that said only you can make that choice. Good luck!!
I'd hunt the big guy all the way through the rut, if he never show then you should have plenty of other options. Goodluck.
Man alive that first buck is HUGE!! Looks like you have plenty of options... I'd shoot some of those other bucks in a heartbeat.

I just can't get enough of that beast though... He's scary big as a typical.