The strutting 360 is the best thing since sliced bread for turkey hunting. Last year was the best year we ever had using this thing. If you got a longbeard in the field 9 times out of 10 all you got to do is spin it around a couple times and it will come in. I have countless stories to share but the one that really sticks in my head is the last hunt of the morning last year.
I set up in the morning only to have 30 hens and 3 long beards fly out in the field about 200 yards away. The long beards saw pretty boy and checked him out for awhle but kept walking away with the group. I had one problem with the struttin 360, I couldn't get it to spin. I had low batteries in my remote and I set the decoy down this little rise and it just wouldn't work. Somehow I slowly moved my blind an inch at a time until I was I could get the decoy to spin by sticking my hand out of the blind. The birds were now about 300 yards away with the three strutters in tow.
I yelped and clucked as loud as I could and all three birds perked up and started looking. I got the decoy to spin around once and look at them and then I turned it right back towards the hen decoys. All three birds came on a dead run to 10 yards. Needless to say I missed two of them with my bow but that is because I suck. Either way those birds would have been long gone without it. I bet we pulled over a dozen gobblers in away with hens with this thing and you don't even have to call. Just move it side to side and they come running. You have to face it towards the gobbler and they usually come in on a dime. I love it!!
I will say though, this thing is over priced in my opinion for what it is. If it is a windy day, forget using it. It doesn't have enough power to move the PB with a tail fan.