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Declining turkey population


PMA Member
Anyone else noticed alot less turkeys this year? We also were finding dead turkey carcasses while shed hunting.
I havn't noticed a declining population either to be honest. Maybe someone is popping them off in your neck of the woods and leaving them lay?
I know in Northern Illinois where I grew up a lot of people have been talking about the lack of turkey sightings. They have seen birds on our property but nothing has been harvested yet and usually our 80 is good for one if not two birds a year. Makes me wonder if west nile of something like that took a toll on the birds last fall?
Some guy was trying to tell us that last weekend. We seen more birds then we have ever seen. I don't think it's down.
No complaints in the south east from me
I heard the west nile thing to, don't know if I beleive it or not though. I hunt about ten different farms and most of them seem to be down quite considerably. While the other two still seem to have the same amount as always. Maybe they just moved. Thanks for your input.
Can't say I noticed, still a TON around us but they are smart birds!

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I'll second that...at least they are smarter then I...which doesn't take a whole lot
No shortage on my place in Southern Iowa, in fact, I almost think there are too many... hens!! It is hard to find a solitary gobbler.
Seen a bunch.. Traveling this week I have seen three that had been hit by cars.
One area in western IL I have hunted used to be packed with them....now you are lucky to hear a gobbler...I'd say west nile took out a few of em and they are now starting to rebound.
This morning I heard more gobblers then I think I have ever heard in my life! It was totally awesome...the whole valley literally thundered with gobblers sounding off

You would think I could call one in but just as many hens...no need to bother with me

Setting here typing I can here them "putt putting" flying up to roost....no shortage here, although I'd like to make the flock "one" shorter
Hunted on my father-in-laws land south of Iowa City this weekend. All I can saw is WOW! Never heard the woods so alive with gobblers. Just incredible. Definately more birds around there than what I found last year. Unfortunately, ALL of them will still be gobbing tomorrow morning.
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