Deer Cam pics - Big Buck


New Member
I just developed my second roll of deer cam photos yesterday, and nearly tipped over when I saw these. The landowner has been telling me of a big buck that he saw crossing his field several times. Now I know he's real. A family of raccoons and one doe used up all the photos except these two. I have looked at these photos for awhile, and am not convinced that they are the same deer. The photos were taken one minute apart in a narrow strip between timber and the cornfield. What do you think - same deer or two different deer ? Check the different look around the brow tines - the one looks like it may have a split brow tine that just doesn't show in the second photo. I wish I could had gotten one more photo as he passed by the camera. Also, I'm not much into antler scores, but I am a bit curious as to what this one may score.


I think they are the same deer. The g2 and g3 are almost the same lenght in both pictures and those brow tines are very tall don't see that everyday. Unless its his brother, awsome buck id guess 140-145. Go get him and put him on the wall good luck.
I think its the same buck. I think that a conservative score would be in the low 140s (gross). Just some advice, next time you should try hanging your camera a little higher off the ground. Then I think you will get a better look at the deer, and alot less raccoon pictures. Good luck!
Just an awsome buck, Will make for a great before and after pic. Is it me or is the one brow tine forked? It appeares that way in the first pic. I would say same deer.
BTW, did you read the fine print on the instructions i sent you. If not this is what it says, "If a big buck is cought on film, Vman gets the first chance at him." LOL
NIce work keep um coming
I think it's two different bucks. In the second photo his head is turned slightly to his left. I think it would show a split brow if there was one. His left brow in the second photo seems to be very straight compared to the one in the first pic. I'm betting on two !
I think it's two different bucks. Look at the first buck's left browtine, it starts about 3"-4" up from the base....the second buck's left browtine starts pretty much right at the base.

I also would agree with Rackaddict on the split brow, if the buck in the second picture had a split brow I think you would be able to see it.

Great pics!!! Thanks for sharing!

Maybe you'll get a couple more pics....keep us updated...

Im pretty sure its the same buck. Look at the pearlation (tiny bumps) on the brow tines, its identical. Also look at the body features, the same. Check out the black strip between its front legs. Alot of deer have different hair characteristics in this area, this is the same in both photos. I would guess the first photo stopped the deer for a minute after he heard your camera click and forward the film.
I put my cameras just above my belt line to avoid the little critters. Nice photos, good luck hunting him!
It is obviously the same buck, and here is why I say that. If it were not the same buck the second buck would have set the camera off in the same spot that the first buck did since you can see that the two bucks are on the same trail. If you look at the tree branch in the first picture, and then again in the second picture you can see the second picture is taken much closer to the camera. This is only because the camera had to reset to take the second picture. Just another viewpoint. I guess we just need to see more photos!!!!! Thanks. T.D.
hey camoman. two different bucks for sure. i'd put money on it they are brothers though. the one on top has tines that appear to curve in. the one on the bottom are pretty much straight up. also the g2 on the top appears alot shorter than the other deer. the top deer also has a smaller but well defined throat patch, and the other looks to be much more white but not as well defined. either deer are shooters in my book. good luck.......
No question in my mind it's the same buck. I'd say he's pushing 150 gross. Pretty good mass. Shoot him.
I guess this is a prime example of not always believing what you see...... pretty evenly divided here......

The first buck has 6 points on the right antler (counting the forked brow)...... you would have a hard time convincing me that the second buck has 6 points on that side..... the distance between the brow and the G-2 is much closer on the first buck...... 2 BUCKS FOR SURE !!!!!!!
I'm saying it's 2 different bucks. Look at the first pic. That buck has 5 points on his right and 4 on his left. The 2nd is a typical 8 pointer with some nice length.

I can see both arguments, although it seems extremely unlikely the second picture happened at the same time all the points on the right side lined up. It would probably be easier to decide if you posted your pictures before you cropped them. Don't suppose your camera was set up to print the time?
I agree that the first buck has six points on his left antler. I believe the second pic is hiding them. If that is two different bucks, they definitely have the same father, and probably the same mother.

This one of those cases where if you asked a hundred guys, you'd get a 50-50 split. I wouldn't fault anyone for going either way. But if I had to choose, I'd go with one buck.
I've had instances like this --where you get two shots of a deer with a trail camera. Even though it looks like it could be two different deer, more often than not, its the same buck.

In any case, this is what's fun about a trail camera. Now that you know you got a shooter, and what area he's in, you have something to work with. And if you have two bucks of this caliber...well, now you really have something special.
I'm going with 2different bucks for the same reasons as stated already. As well the 2nd buck seems to have more white on his neck, it may just be from the flash but it appears as thought his throat patch is larger than the first. Get more pics and we'll know for sure. Great bucks....or buck!
The way I see it is that your just going to have to shoot one of them and then see if the second one ever shows up

But really I think its two differnt bucks
Gosh . . . I've always enjoyed stirring things up a bit, and it looks like I did it well. A couple of things - the first picture has a time stamp of 18:57 (6:57 p.m.) and the second has a time stamp of 18:58. . . . still inconclusive. Also, I have the timer delay set at 5 seconds, but it has gone up to 10 seconds before . . . plenty of time for a deer to move out of the range or off to the side. I have caught several animals in one edge of the photo, and not got them again, or have caught them at the opposite side of the viewfinder. The first deer, if different, may have made a right turn into the timber, as there is a heavy trail there. If forced to guess, I am going to say that it is the same deer twice, but I'm hoping otherwise. I am going to move the camera into the woods looking at another heavy trail about 50 yards away. That may get me away from the raccoons. I had the camera about 2 1/2 feet off the ground, because it drops off a bit in front, so it should have been about 3 feet high. Still experimenting with that stuff. I will post an update if I get any new/better photos. Also, I'll do my best to arrow this buck . . . my son thinks he'll get him first. Thanks for all the input. . . these cameras are a blast !
If he's on ground that doesn't receive pressure other than from you, then let him go for another year.
But if it's a chance for a son's first deer, well you gotta let the boy try to put it on the wall, that would be awesome!!