Ha. Squirrel chew toys. That’s funny right there no matter how u see this!
I’m as obsessed with hunting, management & mature bucks as anyone BUT I do understand how the drama & arguments gets tiring & silly. I honestly don’t fault southsideriverrat for defending what he believes. Also- I don’t fault others for pointing out stuff like the trail cam pics & the mount.
I love hunting & giant bucks & im gonna guess every single person on this thread likely has some level of the same passion. All the BS that goes with this amazing sport & animal - it sucks!! I think we all agree on that!!! Love the sport, love the animal, love everything about giant bucks!! HATE the drama & the infighting & circus of the hunting world that can’t be avoided (& there is a very positive & good part of it too - like anything).
It’s the beast we’ve all created & will always be there. Part of it is good - it’s becaude we are in “good times” in a state that has big bucks to create drama. For that I’m thankful. For the wannabe’s, drama lovers & folks who only look at deer as $ or only for ego OR purely for their selfish shooting enjoyment .... I do wonder how long things will last in our circular firing squad where we often become our own worst enemy. Greed & self interest must remain in check for us hunters & if we don’t- there’s too many $ & political interests that will allow us to implode.
Sorry - off on a tangent. & likely - preaching to the choir. Big bucks, passion, opportunity & enjoyment of all this sport is awesome. Idiots, politics of hunting & drama sucks & I think everyone in here knows exactly what I’m talking about & we’re probably all guilty of being involved in the drama at some point. We are all on the same team - at least I hope so. I guess I hope there’s always a tiny bit of drama with big bucks VS places like MI where the drama is fighting about ur opportunity to shoot that rare & majestic 1.5 year old fork horn.
Great pics. Great vid TH!! & great IN giant that likely will have a new chapter in the future. Awesome bucks & thx for passion & posts.