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Deer Decoys:


Well-Known Member
I was truly interested, in the stories about using deer decoys. Where I used to hunt,,in Mich, such things were just a joke. Deer are so spooky there, decoys scare them. I am curious as to where you place them. Do doe decoys work best? During the RUT best? I had no idea they were a legitimate tactic. Thanks for the tips. I'd like to hear of more experiences with them.
I'm with ya loneranger, I would love to use them also but am afraid I would do more harm by setting one up than good. I'm just not comfortable with setup/placement and such any suggestions or tactics would be great.
I usually set up my decoy about 15yrds upwind from my stand either broadside or 1/4 away. Bucks tend to come head on to the buck decoy and from the rear of the doe decoy.

I have attached a real tail to my buck decoy to give it a little motion.

I always use rubber gloves and wear my rubber boots when setting it up and spray it down with scent eliminator.

Don't ever assume that the deer sees the decoy sometimes you have to grunt at it a few times.

Anybody else do anything different? I am always up for trying new things.
Make sure the wind blows from the decoy to you. Often times, they will try to get down wind to scent check it before committing to coming in.

I rarely use a doe decoy outside peak rut...does always seem to spook from it???? I use a buck decoy most of the time from early season to late season. I have used both my doe and buck decoy late season and had some bucks respond...just nothing over 140.

The more you use it, the more the deer will become used to it, it is hard to fool a buck later (IMO). Never leave the decoy out overnight as you will usually find it in pieces the next morning from a buck out cruising.

When setting up, always use the decoy out where deer can see it from a distance. I have had bucks get really nervous when they walk thru the woods and all of a sudden it is right in thier face.....they just don't like that.
If I was better at posting pics I would show you a 160" that couldn't pass up a fight with a decoy. They work well if used properly.
Yep, They work! Not every time but enough to make it worth the trouble. I glued white maribou jig feathers around the ears and tail of my redi-doe, the slightest breeze adds movement. The 11pt. in my avitar came in at a trot,he was totaly smitten!
I love that picture Houston, nice composition/background and a beautiful animal! I agree with what others have written already in terms of set up, with this exception...

I place my decoy about 15 yards upwind of where I have a good shot too, I face it quartering towards me though, not away. A buck will approach a buck decoy nose to nose and if the decoy is quartering towards me, then the buck will be quartering away from me.

Make sure it is visible from a distance, like on the edge of a field. Some will ignore it even so, but I have never had a negative reaction from a decent sized buck. Some don't come in, some do, but none have been scared of it. I try also to use it sparingly so they don't get used to it too.

Also, do a search for the word decoy on past posts on this site. I know myself and others have written about decoys before and there is some good reading to be found there too.
Deer & Deer Hunting had the whole tv show lastnight about the use of decoys. They run their shows three times so you might be able to catch it.

I will run down a few things they hit on........

They put their buck decoys facing towards your stand (I guess I dont want my decoy looking at me, makes me feel like other deer are going to look for whatever the decoy is looking for)

They put their doe docoy facing directly away from the stand.

They use white scotch tape on their decoys ears and tail to give it movement.

Most of the other items they suggested have been covered in this thread.
Great responses guys! I'm definately going to try one this year, like I said earlier I've always wanted too but never had the guts to try it. Now I just need to choose a decoy.
Good advice here on decoy placement. Just always remember to keep that baby as scent free as possible...from both human and hunting scents. Put any deer lures on the ground around the decoy never directly on it. Once the scent goes bad, you have a "repellent", not an enticer!!

Another thing I've had good luck with attaching (pinninig) a strip of 1 1/2" wide white plastic garbage bag to my Montana Decoys tail....it moves w/ even the smallest breeze, is waterproof and much more durable than many other options (toilet paper, etc.) I have heard of or used.

Uh, that would be PINNING... as in with using a safety PIN!

(Not sure what language that other word is?? I think it may be TYPO-nese!)
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