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Deer from Iowa/Missouri Boarder?

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Well-Known Member
Anyone else hear about a HUGE 200+" Deer? Not shot, just a trail cam picture. I'll look for it...

Edit: I have the picture, I just can't upload it!
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Not from what I'm told.

I have 5000 acres for sale in NE Iowa with foods plots established, and multiple "booners" running around. I will sell it to you tomorrow for 150 dollars an acre.

DO YOU BELIEVE THAT? Point is, don't believe everything you hear, and be careful what you spread without knowing the facts first. I'm not saying this deer couldn't be wild, but regardless those kind of deer unfortunately spark some pretty wild stories.
dedgeez said:
I have 5000 acres for sale in NE Iowa with foods plots established, and multiple "booners" running around. I will sell it to you tomorrow for 150 dollars an acre.

DO YOU BELIEVE THAT? Point is, don't believe everything you hear, and be careful what you spread without knowing the facts first. I'm not saying this deer couldn't be wild, but regardless those kind of deer unfortunately spark some pretty wild stories.

-_- I'm talking I heard it from a guy who lives right down the road from this guy. In person, I'm not talking about his neighbors cousin twice removed's brother in laws aunts Dads brothers step fathers uncles sister in laws nephew...
No big buck stories but I head about a Missouri coyote that was trapped in Iowa. How do they know it was from Missouri you ask? It had chewed off three of its legs and it was still in the trap! :D:D:D
So this deer lives on the boarder? What if he was standing on the state line and a guy from each side shot him at the same time? Who would get to claim him? Would it matter which state he died in? How does that work?
So this deer lives on the boarder? What if he was standing on the state line and a guy from each side shot him at the same time? Who would get to claim him? Would it matter which state he died in? How does that work?
but what if he fell right on the state line one antler on each side?? then what?
Then a judge threatens to cut the deer in half and whichever hunter truly loves that trophy enough to give it up rather than see it desecrated gets to keep it.... Lol
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