Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Deer from Iowa/Missouri Boarder?

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jmoose said:
Then a judge threatens to cut the deer in half and whichever hunter truly loves that trophy enough to give it up rather than see it desecrated gets to keep it.... Lol

A judge from which state?
-_- I'm talking I heard it from a guy who lives right down the road from this guy. In person, I'm not talking about his neighbors cousin twice removed's brother in laws aunts Dads brothers step fathers uncles sister in laws nephew...

It happens.....
I was shown a text from a friend at work a couple of years ago of a big Double Drop and the guy was told it was on the farm next to his and his buddies hunting ground. Turned out to be flase and actually was a pic from a IW members trail cam no where near where he hunts... Just saying.
I have not heard of this deer, hunt on the MO/IA line near Lineville, IA....will ask around and see if anyone has heard of such a buck...so was it a MO or IA kill?
Skully said:
No big buck stories but I head about a Missouri coyote that was trapped in Iowa. How do they know it was from Missouri you ask? It had chewed off three of its legs and it was still in the trap! :D:D:D

What did you use for a trap this time, your Mom or Sisters iron jaws? :)
It happens.....
I was shown a text from a friend at work a couple of years ago of a big Double Drop and the guy was told it was on the farm next to his and his buddies hunting ground. Turned out to be flase and actually was a pic from a IW members trail cam no where near where he hunts... Just saying.
Yep. It's about time for all those emails to start up again. Buck picures from years past. Everybody claims it was just shot or seen a mile down the road. Then you do some reasearch and find that the story has been changed and spread so many time you don't know who to believe.
letemgo said:
I have not heard of this deer, hunt on the MO/IA line near Lineville, IA....will ask around and see if anyone has heard of such a buck...so was it a MO or IA kill?

Neither it's not dead from what I heard.
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