PMA Member
Bonker is right on his history. I was at the state convention for PF back in that time frame and the DNR had a Q&A session where deer hunting tags for NR got brought up. Then the deer numbers were on the increase and the DNR tagline was"The deer resource is growing and can sustain more NR licenses." I believe they wanted to double the number. Now, this was before NR landownership was brought up as a potential issue, but a few of us cornered the DNR speaker after the session and brought up access issues for residents if they did that. I don't remember who the DNR guy was, but I know he was at or near retirement. After some pointed questions and realizing we weren't going to let him leave till he fessed up, he admitted they knew they would lose some future access for residents AND cripple their main management tool,i.e. resident gun hunters, but THEY NEEDED MORE REVENUE. Another reason we need to lobby for the sales tax increase so the DNR has adequate funding to do their job and can concentrate on the resource and not the revenue!! Also why every year I tell my legislators to support a price increase for RESIDENTS any sex deer tag. For the price of one night out for pizza and beer we could eliminate the DNR's budget problem.