After a slow Saturday morning I decided I was going to move spots since I was not hearing any close gobbling. After I walked about 500 yards a gobbler sounded off only about 100 yards away. I sat down on a clearing right next to a creek; I was on the west side and the tom was on the east. I let out a couple of soft yelps and he started gobbling liek crazy, I thought for sure I would have him. WHen it sounded like he was about 30 yards away I could still not see him due to some thick brush. All of a sudden he will not gobble and about one minute after I heard his last gobble I saw three deer very slowly walk right where I thought the gobbling was coming from. Eventually I sat there for another 45 minutes and I never heard or saw the turkey again. My question is have any of you ever experienced turkeys getting scared by deer just meadandering through? I really don't know what else could have happened. I didn't move or make any bad or aggressive calls. Hopefully I will get out this weekend as well.