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Deer sightings.


Well-Known Member
Been wondering / observing this for many years. Guessing it cant be just this region?

Hit home this morning so I figgered it was a topic worth talking about.
This morning, I had to make the 30 mile trip to Fargo. Left early and it's great habitat.
I took gravel for about 20 of it that parallels the red River.
Very little traffic. Did not see ONE deer.
Seems EVERY year, I can take roads that follow riverbottoms that are planted in bean/ corn/ beets and seldom see a deer until about mid Julyish.
Then it's like a switch gets flipped and deer are everywhere from mid July through early September.
Do you guys see the same pattern?
Can you fellas take a 50 mile tour at prime time May/June and see deer consistently?
If I wanna see deer, I know of a drive where I should be able to see em no matter the time of year. Evening trip would be my choice.

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I mean- I can see deer all the time on a few different roads around me. It’s just if they are the ones that I want to see is the question. I feel like fawning time around me keeps them at a different pattern due to predators. Once the fawns get big enough I feel like is when I really start seeing the change though
I agree if i want to see " bucks on the beans" it doesnt get good untill late june thru aug. I think lots of other forage is available in the spring its a smorgasbord for them and mid summer lots of those other plants are past there attractive stage. My 2 cents

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I"ve actually been surprised at the # of deer I've seen the past couple weeks. I'm not talking big #'s, but seeing deer regularly. Couple weeks ago in a little 4 mile stretch where I usually don't see any or maybe 1 or so I saw like like 5 separately and that was in the middle of the day. I know where to expect to see deer in the areas I travel and I've been seeing them and in other random spots.

Ive seen a few does in just some oddball spots with little cover and middle of the day recently. Im guessing having a young fawn with them is the reason, they are bedded down in the tiniest little patch of cover, maybe even just a ditch with tall grass, etc (a spot you would not expect to see anything) to avoid predators and the doe gets up to browse a little.
August is a great time to see bucks in the beans . Wait for a nice cool night! Looking forward to a trip to Iowa/Missouri to see what’s there .
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