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Deer sightings.


Well-Known Member
Been wondering / observing this for many years. Guessing it cant be just this region?

Hit home this morning so I figgered it was a topic worth talking about.
This morning, I had to make the 30 mile trip to Fargo. Left early and it's great habitat.
I took gravel for about 20 of it that parallels the red River.
Very little traffic. Did not see ONE deer.
Seems EVERY year, I can take roads that follow riverbottoms that are planted in bean/ corn/ beets and seldom see a deer until about mid Julyish.
Then it's like a switch gets flipped and deer are everywhere from mid July through early September.
Do you guys see the same pattern?
Can you fellas take a 50 mile tour at prime time May/June and see deer consistently?
If I wanna see deer, I know of a drive where I should be able to see em no matter the time of year. Evening trip would be my choice.

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I mean- I can see deer all the time on a few different roads around me. It’s just if they are the ones that I want to see is the question. I feel like fawning time around me keeps them at a different pattern due to predators. Once the fawns get big enough I feel like is when I really start seeing the change though
I agree if i want to see " bucks on the beans" it doesnt get good untill late june thru aug. I think lots of other forage is available in the spring its a smorgasbord for them and mid summer lots of those other plants are past there attractive stage. My 2 cents

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I"ve actually been surprised at the # of deer I've seen the past couple weeks. I'm not talking big #'s, but seeing deer regularly. Couple weeks ago in a little 4 mile stretch where I usually don't see any or maybe 1 or so I saw like like 5 separately and that was in the middle of the day. I know where to expect to see deer in the areas I travel and I've been seeing them and in other random spots.

Ive seen a few does in just some oddball spots with little cover and middle of the day recently. Im guessing having a young fawn with them is the reason, they are bedded down in the tiniest little patch of cover, maybe even just a ditch with tall grass, etc (a spot you would not expect to see anything) to avoid predators and the doe gets up to browse a little.
This time of year we see lone does in the edges of bean fields. Usually back off the road a long ways.
This time of year they have a fawn back in the brush and are trying to keep their protein level up.
They also are trying to stay solitary while the fawn grows. One deer leaves a lot less scent than 10.
August is a great time to see bucks in the beans . Wait for a nice cool night! Looking forward to a trip to Iowa/Missouri to see what’s there .
I agree late July/ early August is the best for seeing bucks. Strangely enough, I see the biggest bucks of on the hottest evenings. You would think cool but I have found over and over it's the hottest days in the summer to see them. Maybe it's just me seeing them then...
I agree late July/ early August is the best for seeing bucks. Strangely enough, I see the biggest bucks of on the hottest evenings. You would think cool but I have found over and over it's the hottest days in the summer to see them. Maybe it's just me seeing them then...

Could be that the bucks want to get out in the open fields due to mosquitoes and horse flies ?
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I agree late July/ early August is the best for seeing bucks. Strangely enough, I see the biggest bucks of on the hottest evenings. You would think cool but I have found over and over it's the hottest days in the summer to see them. Maybe it's just me seeing them then...
Same with bear.

Year in// out, I see big bear, middle of the day ,walking at the hottest time of the day.
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