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Deer Spaying

Start a petition to fence it off..then use any birth control you want...after a few years when they get old, and die off, then you want have any... :way:
thats funny:drink2:
I think it would be a tough gig to pull of in an unfenced area. First you have to catch all the does or shoot them with Tranquilizer guns etc. That will cost money outside of spaying. You would then have to have some sort of tagging method since it wouldn't make sense to catch the same deer multiple times only to find out it has already been spayed. I would think that the does that did reproduce would run off all of the does that do not have babies since they are very territorial when they have their young.

All the deer that would leave / stay in a given year it would be an ongoing nightmare to try to manage. If you did meet your goal of spaying every doe and not one doe bred in the entire park and not one doe entered the park 4 or 5 years down the road you won't have any deer at all.

If you do nothing and let the deer overpopulate there will be deer dying from starvation etc. Scott County Park was a great example of that until they finally closed it down for a couple weeks in the middle of winter and had a deer hunt.

Everywhere that has tried to implement birth control in deer from what I have read have all been failures. My honest opinion is it would not work.
Some areas are not appropriate for hunting so there has to be another means of controlling the population.
Why would some areas not be appropriate for archery hunting?
I find it interesting how I wasn't even given the opportunity to defend my comments and one person quickly lashes out as I feared would happen. Do you seriously believe, me, a single parent and woman, would come to a forum of such with some sort of agenda and insists you do it "my way." Nope, not what I had intended

trust me, we have had people pop in here, and do EXACTLY that. thats why we can be quick to be on the defense.

as far as your proposal goes, archery hunting is the only means of population control. u wanna make an omlette, you gotta break a few eggs.
Here are a couple web sites that might help you find what you need.

OK, that made me laugh.
Seriously though, I think part of the problem has been the elevation of animals from food and beasts of burden to animals with perceived human qualities.
those deer have become loved by people in our community, such as myself.
I feed those deer and hoped this summer it was going to be from the palm of my hand. Have yet to do so but have gotten extremely close.

How do you justify killing an animal that became comfortable in a sanctuary that humans visit daily? That is my beef if you will.

I support hunting and will be going this fall but I don't support shutting down a park to thin out the herdof deer that found a safe haven made by mankind. Just isn't right.

Big mistake feeding them like this, as others have said this is what creates the problem. In situations like this the best solution may not be the popular solution, but it is the one that needs to be done. These deere should be taken out by hunters, and sorry to say, especially the ones that are really used to the people being around, they are wild animals and should be left that way. Trust me, you don't want a new doe in the area next spring and have one of your sons try and get close to her if she has a fawn near, the doe could really harm them, happend to a friend of mine cycling by one in a ditch once. The doe beat the crap out of him.
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