Supporter of Landowners
when we first got our ground in iowa we had a lot of tresspassing problems, 90% resident. I'm not saying its different or the same everywhere, but its a lot easier for a resident of the area to pop over the fence on a tuesday afternoon than a NR that may not know the area as well. It's a pretty large generalization to blame NR hunters on tresspassing.
to be perfectly honest, it's not the tresspassing hunters we have problems with anymore, that's more or less been taken care of. for us, it's the shed hunters that think that because they're not hunting animals, it's ok for them to just cross every fence looking for horn, especially with the now lucarative business for antlers. I mean, you're never going to hunt the place or see that deer, why do you want its antlers? it's not like you can brag about it and say, yeah i shot that one. This is a serious problem being committed by NR's and residents alike, probably due to all the horn porn on the newstand and on TV anymore.
to be perfectly honest, it's not the tresspassing hunters we have problems with anymore, that's more or less been taken care of. for us, it's the shed hunters that think that because they're not hunting animals, it's ok for them to just cross every fence looking for horn, especially with the now lucarative business for antlers. I mean, you're never going to hunt the place or see that deer, why do you want its antlers? it's not like you can brag about it and say, yeah i shot that one. This is a serious problem being committed by NR's and residents alike, probably due to all the horn porn on the newstand and on TV anymore.