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Demonizing "Trophy Hunters"

I didn't read online, here's either one article or a similar one online- see link below. Now, I really did want to address somewhat in generalities of the over-all picture we've gotten over the years from countless articles along these lines- this has also come from online sources, opinion write in's, countless articles, etc. Some better than others and some do take different approaches/opinions. Of course the authors have the floor and are great at convincing arguments. I also was not saying there isn't 2 sides to every story- think I mentioned that many times. I wanted at least a slice of an opportunity to voice SOME level of disagreement and try and give some tid-bits of the other side & what I feel is the unwarranted attack and unintended consequences of going after folks who they label as "trophy hunters" who do a great deal for our deer hunting world today.

I read the article, and to tell you the truth, I don't see what the big deal is. I think it was well done and it raises more questions than anything else.
But I'm probably biased because I don't measure my hunting success by antler size.
One of MANY articles- keep your eyes peeled and read up, they'll be no shortage of all sorts of variations of articles attacking the "Trophy Hunter" on many levels- some are more obvious attacks than others.

The way I measure my success is probably different than many folks. To each his own, whatever makes you fulfilled with your hunting experience. I will bet that MOST folks measure at least part of their success in some ways that relate to how I do....

I measure my success (personal to me, what fulfils me) in: seeing a balanced deer herd from our efforts, managing and leaving the land better than I found it, taking kids out hunting that don't have opportunity. Having a positive impact on the neighborhood by passing young deer, balancing herd, allowing for more bucks to reach maturity, creating better habitat. SHOOTING BIG BUCKS - yes, that's ONE ELEMENT I will admit I love to do, personal to me, I do love it when I shoot a big old buck, it's MOST IMPORTANT I shoot a MATURE buck- regardless of score (rather shoot a 6.5 year old 145" than a 165" 3.5 year old and that's 100% honest). I love chasing the genius bucks of the woods that have many years under them and are crafty old beasts. I love shooting does. I am fulfilled by the relaxation of being outdoors in the peaceful and awesome setting (partially due to the improvements in land) of the S. IA woods. I am fulfilled by knowing I am passing along a farm that is far better than when I 1st bought it. I know generations will enjoy when I'm gone and enjoy what we've done to it. Etc, etc, etc. That's just ME though. To each his own, I respect all the views of folks and what fulfills them. I will suspect MOST will relate and cherish at least SOME of those things, even if some include wanting to shoot a monster buck- I think that's great and good for them- I sure love it too.
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I just get so surprised that people get so offended about what people do in areas they can't hunt.(this is not directed at ANY of these posts, just some hunters in general) It just blows my mind. Why should I care if a person sixty miles to my south is a Bona Fide Trophy Hunter. I dont really, and nor do I care if a guy a mile down kills a 1 1/2 year old. I guess I just dont see how it really affects me. I pity the day that I can't share in someone's excitement of a harvest because of the antlers or lack thereof on it's head.
I was happier than heck when I shot my first buck. It was maybe 70 inches of antler and only 5 points. I thought I would need help getting it into the truck. NOT. But now that I have 4 Pope & Youngs and 1 gross booner I am picky. But if you have a tag you can take whatever deer trips your trigger.
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