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Des Moines New World Record

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: G6</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: GOLD TIP</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Is everyone done with this yet? I AM!!!! </div></div> Well GT if some of the posters in this thread spent half the time they have spent on this they might have some harvest pics to show for their efforts. I get tired of watching gang bangs on here too. </div></div>
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Fishbonker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Mom promised she'd buy stuff to make cookies with so we will have to schedule another meeting of the secret society. I'm thinkin the first weekend in March? If we invite T250 he can bring all his mounts. I think our secret society will have grown so big by then that we may have to change venues, from mom's basemnt to HyVee Hall and the WDSM Sheraton.

The 'Bonker


I'm interested in joining this secret society, but I need to know more about the cookies before I make any descisions. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
I can't believe I've been out sitting in a tree instead of reading such informative post...what's so pathetic...after we read for so long, we all feel compelled to add a little more worthless nonsense like I've just done...so now the next poor person has wasted 5 min, and 30 seconds of life they could have been using more productively...like sitting in a tree...enjoy your fall, and the rut!!!
Treehugger I agree w/ you but unfortunately I took my week off last week so I'm in my office right now and this thread is really making the day go by much faster. You won't see me post much come the weekend /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

EDIT: Unless I get the 300" hog that's out at our ground, then I'll post in the PMA harvest forum. I passed on several 200 class deer last week but I knew they were just babies, gonna let them grow up a bit.
Hey SE I'm in south east Iowa also...and in my office...this morning had me aching to be back out there...anyway, I was wondering if your finding were the same as the others in the "observation" post?!
Wow, what a waste of time....250 needs to put a brighter bulb in his spotlight & sight-in the 243 or just get a life. Nice pics he posted and idle threat to "expose" the mystical deer.
hmm...this is all too fun, except the other night when i was riding around with my secret society in out spaceship we were making crop circles in this football field sized place, after making this circle i saw this buck come out carrying the "mighty hammer of thor" i knew that a battle would soon be underway, i grabbed my light saber and charged, the mighty buck threw the hammer at me, i narrowly deflected it with my light saber. the hammer immediately flew back to the beast, i attacked, i sliced out one of his back straps. he was hurt but not out, he went for the heart, my trigger/release finger, he smashed it with the mighty hammer, i went down but only for a minute when he lunged at me for the kill i snuck in a low blow and finished him off. the battle was won i had killed thor. (bob and tom-donny) I SWEAR TO GOD I GOT HIM ON THE WALL I SWEAR TO GO ALL GET MA PITURES TOMMAROW FOR YA, I SWEAR TA GUD I WILL, after the fight between me and thor a 180 inch pup came out to fight but he wasn't worth my time so i just got back on my space ship to go out and make more crop circles.
OOHH bonks,

thanks for nothing your mom turned wouldnt let me in the window last night because she was busy baking cookies. I am a little frustated this morning, to say the least.

And for the record my dad can bowl better than your dad.
If someone can whisper the location of this deer to Fishbonker, then I can get it out of him for a few cans of snake venom and sausages... I'm a NR now so I'd like to come back to Iowa and offer to lease this back yard in Des Moines.
my latest 5 bucks are comimg shortly like i promised.... am am really ready for all the adult bashing when i do post them... that was only ment towards some of you , but the rest let me know what you think of my last 5 deer harvested leagally!!!!the post is coming, my first one so bare with me..thanks guys...they will be posted as T250's latest 5.
I am going to call it right now..." I can't figure out how to post a picture"

If I am wrong, then I apologize in advance...for not being an adult.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: turtL</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I get tired of watching gang bangs on here too. </div></div>

G6, this is quite a statement coming from you...must be a difference between watching and being the center of.

I take this as you meaning I was jumping in on a gang bang, I appologized to the individual for calling him a troll which is what I told him he came off as with his post. You will see my post was very early in the game before everyone jumped him like a pack of dogs and yes I have been the meat in your pack attacks also.
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