Sligh, my point is the damage is done. Removing Governors tags now will do no good. Iowa has the established rep and that will not change. NR tags will always be difficult to acquire.
I see. I think much of the damage can be reversed and/or slowed. Who knows how many more NR applicants we could get if we have 10 more years of millions of viewers getting the Iowa promotion from this?? We've been on a hefty increased trajectory over the last 5-10 years. I see no reason the trend won't continue- especially when the economy comes back. I sure don't think that it's just now peaked out. What happens when economy comes back, Iowa gets more promotion to millions and then the NR has a 5 year wait for a tag? Don't think that could happen? I absolutely think it's a possibility. In a SHORT period we've gone from zero to 1 year wait to 2-3 year wait- and that didn't take long. What will happen is NR's will rightfully being complaining when it's 4-5 years (heck, they are complaining NOW) and raising heck OR the state will just double or triple the NR tags- increasing pressure, more folks, less access, less quality deer, etc, etc. Why wait til things get really bad?
*If I read it right, there's 6,000 tags available to NR's. I sure don't think it's crazy to think 30,000 applicants from 49 other states could be applying for them. I don't see that as a "chance" but I see that as inevitable and our near future.
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